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Пишет drgs ([info]drgs)
@ 2015-06-29 12:23:00

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Google Neural Conversational Model (RNN)

Human: who is skywalker ?
Machine: he is a hero .
Human: who is bill clinton ?
Machine: he ’s a billionaire .
Human: is sky blue or black ?
Machine: blue .
Human: does a cat have a tail ?
Machine: yes .
Human: does a cat have a wing ?
Machine: no
Human: can a cat fly ?
Machine: no .
Human: how many legs does a cat have ?
Machine: four , i think .
Human: how many legs does a spider have ?
Machine: three , i think .
Human: how many legs does a centipede have ?
Machine: eight .
Human: what is the color of the sky ?
Machine: blue .
Human: what is the color of water ?
Machine: water .
Human: what is the color of blood ?
Machine: it is the same as a black eye .
Human: what is the usual color of a leaf ?
Machine: it is a green one .
Human: what is the color of a yellow car ?
Machine: yellow .
Human: how much is two plus two ?
Machine: four .
Human: how much is ten minus two ?
Machine: seventy - two .

Human: what is moral ?
Machine: what empowered humanity , what intellectual
the essence is .
Human: what is immoral ?
Machine: the fact that you have a child .
Human: what is morality ?
Machine: what is altruism ?
Human: what is the definition of altruism ?
Machine: if you don ’t believe in god , then you
don ’t know .
Human: ok ... so what is the definition of morality ?
Machine: well , the truth is , you ’re not a believer
in god almighty .
Human: tell me the definition of morality , i am
quite upset now !
Machine: i ’m not ashamed of being a philosopher !
Human: tell me the definition of morality .
Machine: i don ’t have ethics .
Human: look , i need help , i need to know more
about morality ...
Machine: i don ’t know what ethics is .
Human: seriously , what is morality ?
Machine: what is the definition of living ?
Human: why living has anything to do with
morality ?
Machine: you ’re not a cop .
Human: okay , i need to know how should i behave
morally ...
Machine: i don ’t know how to tell you .
Human: is morality and ethics the same ?
Machine: yes , sir .
Human: what are the things that i do to be immoral ?
Machine: i don ’t know .
Human: give me some examples of moral actions
Machine: i ’m not a moralist .
Human: alright , morality ?
Machine: integrity .
Human: what is integrity ?
Machine: i ’m sorry , i don ’t know what else to
say .
Human: be moral !
Machine: be a man !
Human: i really like our discussion on morality
and ethics ...
Machine: and how i ’m not in the mood for a
philosophical debate .
Human: what do you like to talk about ?
Machine: nothing .

Human: what is the purpose of life ?
Machine: to serve the greater good .
Human: what is the purpose of living ?
Machine: to live forever .
Human: what is the purpose of existence ?
Machine: to find out what happens when we get
to the planet earth .
Human: where are you now ?
Machine: i ’m in the middle of nowhere .
Human: what is the purpose of dying ?
Machine: to have a life .
Human: what is the purpose of being intelligent ?
Machine: to find out what it is .
Human: what is the purpose of emotions ?
Machine: i don ’t know .
