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Пишет Apocalypse Won ([info]harllatham)
@ 2018-10-19 22:59:00

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Музыка:DI6 - Kameradschaft - 1998

How a Former Neo-Nazi Found Her Identity as a Trans Woman

For years, Dajana Pospiš was a member of the National Front, a far-right, anti-Semitic, anti-LGBTQ movement that waged war on Serbia's queer community. But during a stint in prison for racial and religious discrimination, Pospiš came to accept what no one saw coming: despite being assigned male at birth, she was a woman—and she desperately wanted to transition.
After publicly coming out as a trans woman, Dajana sought acceptance and forgiveness from Serbia’s LGBTQ community—but can her new friends make peace with her violent past? VICE met up with Dajana to hear about her unique and difficult journey from neo-Nazi to coming out as a trans woman, a move she said left her “caught between two worlds.”

так что тюрьма не на всех влияет так, как на Достоевского. бывают и изменения к лучшему