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Пишет Apocalypse Won ([info]harllatham)
@ 2020-10-21 23:27:00

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Вот не знал -- Эрнст Никиш, оказывается, начинал как социал-демократ и как председатель баварского Центросовета исполнял обязанности главы правительства Баварии в период между убийством Айснера и провозглашением Баварской Народной Республики
He joined the Social Democratic Party in 1917 and was instrumental in the setting up of a short-lived Bavarian Soviet Republic in 1919. Indeed, for a time at the start of the year, following the resignation of Kurt Eisner and immediately before the establishment of the Bavarian Soviet Republic, Niekisch wielded effective power as chairman of the central executive of Bavarian councils, an interim governing body
For a month, a Central Council (soviet) under Ernst Niekisch held governmental power.