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Пишет kouzdra ([info]kouzdra)
@ 2011-04-12 06:27:00

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The Death of Dyna-Soar
И еще - раз уж типо день космонавтики:

Ah, distinctly I remember, it was early last December;
It was felt that very shortly, we would be employed no more;
Every day we feared the morrow; vainly we had sought to borrow;
Funds to budget us tomorrow, for our work on Dyna-Soar . . .
On the sleek and winged spacecraft we called Dyna-Soar . . .
Cancelled now, forever more.

From off the duct I pulled the shutter, when with many a flirt and flutter,
Out there flew a stately raven, of the saintly days of yore;
Not the least obeisance made he; not a minute stopped or stayed he;
But with mien of Lord or Lady, perched beside my office door . . .
Upon a bust of Eugen Sanger, on the bookcase by the door . . .
Perched, and sat, and nothing more.

"Prophet!" said I,"Thing of evil!, tell me, agent of the devil,
Whether McNamara axed the program, or just cut us back some more?
Will he make a presentation, to Congress for appropriation?
Does he plan continuation, after Fiscal '64?
Is the funding in the budget? Tell me, tell me, I implore . . ."
Quoth the Raven,"Never more".

Oh, the sleek and winged spacecraft we called Dyna-soar,
Cancelled now, forever more.

Andy Oberta
Missiles and Rockets
27 January 1964