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Пишет kouzdra ([info]kouzdra)
@ 2013-04-20 02:44:00

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Diving authomatic:
Штука конечно - реально одна не то, чтобы из самых опасных, но самых странных в некоторых отношениях машин:

Flying at 4,600 m (15,000 ft), the pilot located his target through a bombsight window in the cockpit floor. The pilot moved the dive lever to the rear, limiting the "throw" of the control column. The dive brakes were activated automatically, the pilot set the trim tabs, retarded his throttle and closed the coolant flaps.

The aircraft then rolled 180°, automatically nosing the aircraft into a dive. Red tabs protruded from the upper surfaces of the wing as a visual indicator to the pilot that, in case of a g-induced black-out, the automatic dive recovery system would be activated. The Stuka dived at a 60-90° angle, holding a constant speed of 500–600 km/h (350-370 mph) due to dive-brake deployment, which increased the accuracy of the Ju 87's aim.

When the aircraft was reasonably close to the target, a light on the contact altimeter came on to indicate the bomb-release point, usually at a minimum height of 450 m (1,500 ft). The pilot released the bomb and initiated the automatic pull-out mechanism by depressing a knob on the control column.

An elongated U-shaped crutch located under the fuselage swung the bomb out of the way of the propeller, and the aircraft automatically began a 6 g pullout. Once the nose was above the horizon, dive brakes were retracted, the throttle was opened, and the propeller was set to climb. The pilot regained control and resumed normal flight. The coolant flaps had to be reopened quickly to prevent overheating.

В принципе хороший самолет - но вот ощущение, что тут пилот уже почти законченный придаток к железу (он собственно и подогнан под те перегрузки, которые человек еще выдерживает совсем уж без потери пульса) - ...

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2013-04-21 20:55 (ссылка)
помоему всё же не под перегрузки подгоняли, наверное под скорость пикирования - при большей скорости аэроплан начинал разваливаться уже.
