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Пишет kouzdra ([info]kouzdra)
@ 2014-10-08 09:25:00

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"И вечный бой, покой нам только снится"
К вопросу о творческой переработке классики - как сообщает инглипедия:

The 2002 BBC Radio 4 adaptation with Griff Rhys Jones ends with the two Ivans agreeing to fight a duel. Ivan Ivanovich, as the challenged party, has the choice of weapons, so he chooses the Turkish rifle, but the duel degenerates into a struggle for the rifle. It goes off in the struggle, having been overloaded with gunpowder, and the two Ivans are killed. They both go to Heaven, but upon seeing Ivan Ivanovich's outspread wings Ivan Nikiforovich again calls him "a goose", which sets off the squabble all over again.

Интересно - можно ли считать это адекватной заменой оригинального "скучно на этом свете, господа"? В смысле что и на том - не веселее...