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@ 2022-09-12 12:50:00

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Ну наконец-то
Уже заждались, но все таки британские ученые успели выпустить свой труд до того, как:

This book examines the law relating to the possession, threat or use of nuclear
By addressing in logical sequence the law regarding sovereignty, the
threat or use of force, the conduct of nuclear hostilities, neutrality, weapons law
and war crimes, the book illustrates the topics that an effective national command,
control and communications system for nuclear weapons must address. Guidance
is given on intractable issues, such as the responsibilities of remote submarine
commanders. The continuing relevance of the ICJ’s Nuclear Advisory Opinion is
assessed, and the prospects for the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
are discussed. The book has been written in an accessible style so that it will be
equally useful to lawyers and practitioners, including relevant commanders,
politicians, policy staffs and academics.