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[Apr. 13th, 2017|08:56 pm]
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People consistently fail to understand that "your" local government is much more of an enemy for you than any government across the ocean. Those "bad bad bad guys" across the ocean do not even tax you!
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Date:April 14th, 2017 - 06:33 pm
Nice, trivial, but not that interesting...

More interesting question -- is your government more of an enemy for you than your local neighbours...
Date:April 14th, 2017 - 07:24 pm
both variants exist...
in anarchy -- yes, you basically rely on your neighbours;
in classical state -- the situation is opposite, the government provides you with some means of suppressing your neighbours, and at the same time it assists your neighbours to suppress you.

The fun fact is that this is a self perpetuating system. You can not leave this kind of relationship, because any attempt to leave it puts you in a disadvantageous position which will immediately be exploited by your rival neighbours. Moreover all actual victims of this (may I say BDSM co-dependency) situation are interested in intensifying the violence. Which (MOAR IRONY!!!) puts the govt on the moral high ground: "we do not let them kill each other, they ask us every day to repress them stronger, but we adamantly refuse".

It is difficult to tell who has started this shitty vicious circle, whether it was the govt who beyond any reasonable doubt understand "divide&conquer" on instinctual level, or the govt stepped in when people sufficiently weaken themselves with their petty squabbles. After all it does not matter.

What matters the most is that people refuse to recognize the sickness of this intricate mess of interests.

So, in other words, the government is your false friend, like a bankster who sells weapons to Hitler and Stalin at the same time.
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Date:April 14th, 2017 - 09:27 pm
The government is definitely not my frien, neither true nor false.
And my neighbours are not, also.

The main question is balance -- and who of them are worse, when, where, and when I should cooperate with them against others.
Date:April 14th, 2017 - 09:39 pm
i have described you the intricacy of this co-dependence which makes it impossible to assess the "worseness".

you should not ask bandits for help because they will trick you anyway. and once you did you are trapped.

a govt substitutes all your neighbourhood relations with surrogate relations to govt. Thus, you can not tell "which is worse" -- there is only one -- the govt.
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Date:April 15th, 2017 - 06:00 am
>you should not ask bandits for help because they will trick you anyway.

I did. A long time ago, in a gal...
Works just fine.
Not worse than average court process. And better than russian court process at that time.

>substitutes all your neighbourhood relations with surrogate relations to govt.

No. Junky that brokes my car window definitely was not an actor of the government. Neither was curious young man that had beaten me when assumed that I'm gay.
Date:April 15th, 2017 - 12:55 pm
> Junky that brokes my car window definitely was not an actor of the government. Neither was curious young man that had beaten me when assumed that I'm gay.

you must understand that they are not your neighbours either.
your interaction with them was indirectly forced by the govt.
and it is the govt's job to keep those low-life alive and menacing neighbourhoods in order to make you more loyal to the govt.

i can not give you exact explanation for these particular cases, but in general, without a govt, you will have more freedom in choosing your neighbourhood and DEFENDING YOURSELF, and even more important in COOPERATING with other neighbours for defending your neighbourhood from junkies and whomever.

you named two very bad people. do you realize how many good people remained UNDETECTED by you? and the reason they lay so low is the govt.
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Date:April 17th, 2017 - 10:17 am
>you must understand that they are not your neighbours either.

What? Are they from Syria? Or Nibiru?

No, I suspect they live no more than 700m of me.

>your interaction with them was indirectly forced by the govt.

I doubt so. I don't understand, why do you think so.

>in choosing your neighbourhood and DEFENDING YOURSELF

Anyway, not that much that crime drops down to zero, definitely.

And there is no realistic model "without a government". You just cannot live in socium without it, just like there could not be an ideal, true socializm: in any sufficiently large people community (well, something beyound 100 members. Probably, even in most beyound 20) -- the government will spontaneously generate. We cannat model a situation, where I live in large city and there is no government.

So, I cannot imagine any model that fits your description "without a govt", and therefore cannot check your conclusion or make a reasonable discussion about that.
Date:April 17th, 2017 - 02:06 pm
> I cannot imagine any model that fits your description "without a govt"

this is the root of misunderstanding.
you jump to the "final page" without reading the novel.

all i want do is: honestly answer your very specific question about certain properties of certain relations in the present society. I reiterate: THE PRESENT SOCIETY.

you asked me to compare your relations with the present govt with your relations with the present criminals.

in short: the govt keeps the criminals alive because they give the govt REASON.

i will give you a detailed answer as soon as those robber-faggots fix my internet.
Date:April 17th, 2017 - 02:15 pm
i realized that i (just like you) expected a certain degree of self-similarity, or more specifically repeating the pattern when zooming in on the object.

it is not mandatory, it is not demanded by any laws pf physics!

there is no "zoom-in symmetry" in those relation, and it does NOT mean a logical mistake.