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[Apr. 13th, 2017|08:56 pm]
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Date:April 17th, 2017 - 10:17 am
>you must understand that they are not your neighbours either.

What? Are they from Syria? Or Nibiru?

No, I suspect they live no more than 700m of me.

>your interaction with them was indirectly forced by the govt.

I doubt so. I don't understand, why do you think so.

>in choosing your neighbourhood and DEFENDING YOURSELF

Anyway, not that much that crime drops down to zero, definitely.

And there is no realistic model "without a government". You just cannot live in socium without it, just like there could not be an ideal, true socializm: in any sufficiently large people community (well, something beyound 100 members. Probably, even in most beyound 20) -- the government will spontaneously generate. We cannat model a situation, where I live in large city and there is no government.

So, I cannot imagine any model that fits your description "without a govt", and therefore cannot check your conclusion or make a reasonable discussion about that.
Date:April 17th, 2017 - 02:06 pm
> I cannot imagine any model that fits your description "without a govt"

this is the root of misunderstanding.
you jump to the "final page" without reading the novel.

all i want do is: honestly answer your very specific question about certain properties of certain relations in the present society. I reiterate: THE PRESENT SOCIETY.

you asked me to compare your relations with the present govt with your relations with the present criminals.

in short: the govt keeps the criminals alive because they give the govt REASON.

i will give you a detailed answer as soon as those robber-faggots fix my internet.