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(no subject) @ 10:13 am

[info]sadkov commented on [info]a_n_d_r_u_s_h_a's post:

"This state of affairs was completely lacking in Russia. In that country the intellectual classes were mostly not of Russian nationality, or at least they did not have the racial characteristics of the Slav. The thin upper layer of intellectuals which then existed in Russia might be abolished at any time." -- Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Chapter IX

"Now they are back, the Huns, caricatures of human faces, a reality that has become nightmare, a hit in the face of all that is good." -- Heinrich Himmler, Der Untermensch

"The world we want to see it: a beautiful, orderly, socially equitable world, which, perhaps, still suffers from some shortcomings, but on the whole is a happy, beautiful world filled with culture, which is exactly what Germany is. On the other side there is a 180-million rabble, a mixture of races and peoples whose names are unpronounceable and whose physical essence is such that the only thing that can be done with them is to shoot without any pity and mercy." -- Henrich Himmler, Stettin speech, 13 July of 1941

"They are stolid and animalistic. They are accustomed to a hard and impoverished existence, and therefore do not hold on to life all that strongly. The average person has less worth than a bicycle. A rapid birthrate quickly replaces any losses. They have a type of primitive toughness that one cannot call bravery. It is entirely different. Bravery is a kind of spiritual courage. The toughness with which the Bolshevists defended their bunkers in Sevastapol was more a bestial drive, and nothing could be more mistaken than to assume that it was the result of Bolshevist views or education. The Russians were always like that, and will likely always remain so. It is also easier to throw a life away when there is no promise to it than when, even at the moment of danger, a distant paradise still seems to beckon." -- Joseph Goebbels, Die sogenannte russische Seele

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