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Jun. 7th, 2019|08:06 pm

Dear Prof. Pipher,
sorry for the bother, quite a few people asked me if my letter to you (and AMS)
had any consequence, and I am interested myself. I guess I would have
to publish the letter that I wrote to you. If you (in any capacity, official or not)
want me to add any information or opinion to this publication, please
send it to me.

I would frame this story with comments along the
lines "what if the mathematician Yesenin-Volpin was
arrested and incarcerated in 2019 and not in 1968, would AMS and
other professional unions support him" and conclude that obviously
he would have gotten zero support now (in contrast to 1960-ies,
when he was massively supported by AMS et al, as far as I know).

Here is the story

All the best
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