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Re: Огонь, Вода, и Медные Трубы Jul. 30th, 2007|02:45 am
Юля, дорогая,

Вообще-то, по духу мы близки. Просто, я исхожу из моего жизненого опыта (I have lived among the filthy rich and the desperately dying) и отношусь скепчитески к Структуре, структурам и структуркам. By the way, just a few days ago, I led a workshop on writing and self-expression (blogging) at a correctional facility for young criminals north of Montreal. Several criminals had a crisis, because they couldn't deal with the fact that I wasn't going to give them structure for their creative expression. They went into a fit, when I told them that they CAN write and that they have something to tell. Not a confession, but simply an experience worthy of communication, of compassion. No, was their answer, we have nothing good, nothing worthy, give us the structure and tell us to die. Structure kills.

As for biological interpretation of species, in my observation, structure has been invented by some people for a more efficient exploitation of everything and everyone. Science and religion are branches of the same structure that attempts to present in the voice of authority the dogma that everything was created for the benefit of Man and that Man alone, in God's image (or in the case of science it is God alone in Man's image) can Know, can Think, can Choose and therefore deserves compassion and all the goodness; and that everything was created to serve His purpose. Both dogmas are a convenient construction. And the circus is a sorry sorry tale.

Your poem and its dedication touched me.
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