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хаха, князь Лобанов-Ростовский кажется Моэму приписал ограбление сына Гогена, в то время как "The book has a short 1962 introduction by W. Somerset Maugham that is somewhat amusing in that it tells how Maugham traveled to Tahiti to research Gauguin for a book he was considering writing about the island's most famous painter. He found one of the actual huts where Gauguin had lived and worked and purchased one of the glass panels that Gauguin had painted for one of the hut's three doors. The children living in the hut had passed the time scratching the windows clean and already destroyed the other two door paintings. Maugham bought the half door containing the one surviving glass panel with its painting of "Eve, nude, with the apple in her hand" still intact for four hundred francs and had it shipped back to his home in New York. It was in his writing room at the time he wrote the introduction for this volume." http://www.amazon.com/Noa-Tahiti-Journa т.е. никакого сына там не было, жил какой то народ в хижине, у которого он и прикупил дверь. Вобщем видно князь нечто персональное добавил в историю рассказанную Моэмом. Добавить комментарий: |