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русским американцам на экспертизу [May. 9th, 2011|05:20 pm]
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Date:May 9th, 2011 - 04:14 pm
Google искал картинки по словам:
chicago billboard 'islam"

Там нашлось 2 ссылки на это:

Явно оно.

Цитата: "This is /right /by O’Hare International Airport". And there’s another one in Lombard, IL on the corner of Highland Ave and Roosevelt Rd (close to Islamic Foundation in Villa Park, IL).
This is none other than the work of ICNA. Masha’Allah, the group is very active all over America and they have a handful of other shiny projects that our Muslim brothers and sisters are working hard to push. In Chicago, they’ve got a weekly “Da’wah Ad” in the Chicago Tribune’s Metro section. And all over the US (in 19 major cities) they have a National Radio Ad Campaign where they’ll play this ad on the major radio stations for anyone listening:

Затем ввёл в Google:
O’Hare International Airport Chicago

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