anticompromat aka Abbot - на IPO Фейсбука заработают бизнесмены, контролируемые Кремлем [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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на IPO Фейсбука заработают бизнесмены, контролируемые Кремлем [May. 18th, 2012|08:14 pm]
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Questions and answers on blockbuster Facebook IPO
Q: I read that Facebook will be worth more than $100 billion after the IPO. What does that mean?

This is the so-called market value of the company. It's what investors trading a portion of its shares think the whole company would be worth if all its shares were trading.
At $38 per share, Facebook would be worth $104 billion.

Q: Who are the early investors who are selling?

A: One of the biggest is DST Global Ltd., a London firm founded by Russian investor Yuri Milner that first invested in Facebook in 2009. DST and its affiliates plan to sell 45.7 million shares. At $38, Milner's firm would get $1.74 billion. One of the earliest investors, Reid Hoffman, a co-founder of LinkedIn Corp. who put money into Facebook in 2004, is expected to sell stock worth up to $36 million. Other sellers include Goldman Sachs, which invested last year. It expects to get as much as $1.1 billion for its shares.

Q: What about Mark Zuckerberg?

The Facebook CEO plans to sell 30.2 million shares. He would pocket up to $1.15 billion. Part of Zuckerberg's holdings include special shares that give him voting rights on shareholder proposals. After the IPO, he will control 56 percent of votes.

Q: Where will the Facebook IPO rank among IPOs?

A: In terms of money raised, it will be the third-biggest U.S. IPO in history, edging out AT&T Wireless. That company's IPO in 2000 raised $10.6 billion according to Renaissance Capital, an IPO advisory firm. The biggest IPO was Visa Inc. in 2008. It raised $17.8 billion.

DST Global Ltd - это Юрий Мильнер и Алишер Усманов
Где Усманов, там всегда Кремль. Да и Мильнер, несмотря на свое околоХодорковское прошлое, тоже не был бы допушен к столу, если б не договорился.
Какую долю Кремль имеет в DST и сколько кремлевские получат от IPO Facebook'а, можно только предполагать.

Впрочем, датский журналист и аналитик Владимир Пимонов не исключает, что предполагаемая капитализация Facebook'а в 100 миллиардов долларов после сегодняшней продажи акций компании на IPO может через некоторое время оказаться гигантским мыльным пузырем, который лопнет так же, как в свое время лопнул экономический пузырь доткомов, надутый в результате головокружительного взлета акций интернет-компаний.
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