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Пишет apkallatu ([info]apkallatu)
@ 2020-08-12 21:59:00

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демон по имени Игорь
семейство жордана петросяна оказывается гораздо интересней самого петросяна.
например, его дочка изобрела диету, состоящую из говядины, воды и соли, и занялась
с её помощью относительно честным отъёмом денег у населения. зять петросяна
это русский эмигрант в канаду, сталинист, который считает, что в него вселился демон
по имени Игорь. почему не Олег?! скандалы, интриги, расследования

Mikhaila started “The Lion Diet” which consists of only eating Beef, Salt, & Water.

Although this verges on an eating disorder, Mikhaila claimed that it
cured many of her health problems.

She even announced that she stopped taking her medications, including
an anti-herpes drug

She then convinced her father to start her diet. Soon after starting,
Jordan reported that he stopped taking his anti-depressants.

It was around this time that Peterson reported not being able to sleep
for 25 days straight while experiencing an “overwhelming sense of
impending doom” after drinking some apple cider

It was because of this anxiety, caused by a “severe autoimmune
reaction to food”, that Jordan was prescribed benzodiazepine, which
was increased after his wife was diagnosed with cancer

This lead to Peterson developing a “physical dependence” on the medication

According to Mikhaila, after multiple failed rehab attempts, which she
claims almost killed him, Peterson was moved to Russia for
“alternative treatments”

The unknown treatment put Peterson into a medically induced coma for 8
days & gave him neurological damage

In the middle of her father’s hospitalization Mikhaila left her
husband & dad to travel around Romania with Andrew Tate, a misogynist
pickup artist & webcam pimp who runs a scam website & thinks that
“depression doesn’t exist”

[Side Note] Mikhaila’s husband is from Russia, claims to be possessed
by a demon named Igor, & is the one who helped Mikhaila get her dad
into Russia.

This entire time Mikhaila was charging people $50-$600 for
memberships to her diet website, that offered virtually nothing.

After Peteron finished his treatment in Russia they went to
Florida & eventually ended up in Serbia where Mikhaila gave her entire
family COVID, hospitalizing Jordan yet again

This is my first wedding anniversary and I’ve been married for 3
years. How does that work?⁣ ⁣ Life is complicated. ⁣ ⁣

When Andrey and I met we argued about Stalin all night. I think he's
been brainwashed. He disagrees, and accuses me of the same. He told me
he had to immigrate after the wall fell and his family had to start
again in Canada. He told me he’d been shot at as a kid. He has black
belts. He practices sword work.⁣ ⁣

He scared me. He told me he had a demon in him named Igor - it didn’t
seem like a joke. He wasn’t like anyone I’d met and I didn’t know what
to make of it. ⁣

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