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Пишет apkallatu ([info]apkallatu)
@ 2020-08-19 15:54:00

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your comments seem to me antifascist enough that I am uncomfortable sharing a forum with you
перепалка на mathoverflow.meta по поводу удаления комментов некоего
фашика под ником "Patriot". highlights:

In a question about special lectures for the ICM, the following answer proposed
that a lecture on how to make the mathematical field more diverse be given. The
answer contains some rather bold statements about the intrinsic value of diversity,
the current lack thereof, and the causes of this, which generated substantial
discussion. I myself made a comment of disapproval about the statement that a
talk on diversity had no other place to go.


My comment received over sixty votes, and it stood at the top of the post. It appears
to have been removed, along with other dissenting voices of Harry Gindi, RP_, and
probably others. I did not receive a comment about it being removed. What is the
rationale for this decision? asked Aug 12 at 8:52 Patriot

Reminder to everyone that Patriot is an apologist for slavery and treason, and should not
be treated as a good faith participant in this kind of discussion.
– Noah Snyder Aug 12 at 16:12

Noah Snyder, your comments (here and on some other posts) seem to me antifascist
enough that I am uncomfortable sharing a forum with you. I am willing to strike
an uneasy peace with you by not commenting further in this thread if you will do
the same (meaning your not commenting further in this thread also). I won't even
assume lack of response as agreement with this; I'll just be grateful for the lack
of response. – Gerhard Paseman Aug 12 at 20:03

а ведь когда-то на MO все так обходительно комментировали, чтобы никому ни в коем
случае на пальцы ног не наступить, и обвинениями в "фашизме" и "антифашизме" всуе
не разбрасывались. мета, впрочем, после какого-то рубежа стала какой-то идиотской
платформой обсуждения ненужных вещей ненужными модераторами.