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Feb. 27th, 2020 | 09:47 am

I have an announcement to make, an important one!

Did anyone pay attention, that by the current moral set and by the current law, the Gospel story begins with rape? Mary, mother of Jesus is raped by the so called Holy Spirit, who did not ask for her consent and none was given? It was simply announced to her that she will conceive.

What did she say?

"I am the handmaid of the Lord. Let it be done unto me according to your word."

Ok, this line screams of powerlessness against the Lord, who is an epitome of rapey Patriarchy. It is not a resounding and enthusiastic "YES!" at an early stage of a foreplay, followed by many "YES, OH YES!" afterwards.

This look terrible, and gets worse.

After that, a holy abortion angel did not visit that poor oppressed woman.

Utterly against the current progressive idea of what is good and empowering for women.

I trust that Gospels should be publicly condemned from high chairs of our academics and in every media outlet. There is no time to waste, as this handbook of rape and female subjugation continues to be promulgated in our society.

By delaying their condemnation of the fundamental Christian text, our academics and media feminists are partaking in dangerous hypocrisy.

The God should confess his own Original Sin before the Feminist Authority.

And go to Hell (Prison for Eternity, with all the male devils waiting for Him there).

Like Harvey Weinsten, who is literally the god, according to Meryl Streep. We should of course believe the woman.

By placing Harvey Weinsten to prison, Hollywood condemned their Judeo-Christian cultural god to Hell.

How symbolical! What a powerful sign of the times!

This would help to modernize the Christianity and move it closer to the historical cult of Cybele with eunuchs for priests.

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