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Apr. 29th, 2022 | 08:36 pm

Not a bad article about Moldbug / Yarvin.


I still think that he made a few mistakes in his (early) writings about the genesis of the current system and slightly misaligns the nexus of power (Cathedral) zeroing on Academia and Media, while I tend to see a broader managerial elite, a third generation down from the dawn of Fordism.

Nevertheless, his articles were one of the catalysts that made me to study Fordism in-depth and compare it with my much earlier studies of the Soviet system. Naturally, I followed that path and found a plethora of sources - James Burnham etc, perhaps not as inspiring as Moldbug's brainy texts, but providing in-depth insights about the genesis of the current clown world.

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from: anonymous
date: Apr. 29th, 2022 - 11:36 am

бляя да что это за хуйня что ты несешь ГОВНОМЕС ЕБАНЫЙ нахуй ты это все пишешь пидар глупый
