Coincidentia Oppositorum
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in ded_maxim's LiveJournal:

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    Monday, July 30th, 2018
    3:37 pm
    два пути
    Из книжки "The Show That Never Ends" (David Weigel пишет за прогрессив), хорошее про Берроуза и Дэвида нашего Аллена:
    "He wanted me to play music at his poetry readings --- I was a jazzer back then --- so he suggested we first go up to his room where he got behind his desk like some Brooklyn insurance salesman," recalled Allen. "'Well, Daevid,' he said, 'there are two ways of doing this. One way will take ten minutes, the other will take the rest of your life.' I assumed the first way might have involved sodomy so I opted for the latter."
    Sunday, March 7th, 2010
    12:33 am
    смотрение, очень кратко
    The Draughtsman's Contract (1982, реж. Питер Гринуэй): котирую, надо бы пересмотреть еще раз. Если постараться описать суть короткой фразой, то вот: смесь Blow-Up и The Wicker Man.

    ... in Greenaway's world, systems or codes of any kind are treated as inadequate, hopelessly subjective fantasies that deserve contempt, not respect. Categorical thinking claims it makes the world easier to understand; Greenaway maintains it distorts the world by forcing it into unnatural categories. Many of his films satirise catalogues and organising principles, firstly by presenting absurd examples of each, and secondly by structuring events around them ... Paradoxically, as much as he distrusts systems, he sees them as the only viable alternative to narratives, which 'do nothing more than illustrate text'.
    Friday, March 5th, 2010
    4:27 pm
    подавать в неглубоких супницах
    Все уже видели, наверное:
    Любимое блюдо Патриарха Московского и всея Руси Алексия II.

    Пельмени с черной икрой.

    Все дело в тесте, которое надо раскатать не толще папиросной бумаги. Пельмени опускаются в кипяток и тут же вынимаются. Варить нельзя: икра становится белесой, теряет вкус. Потом сбрызнуть топленым маслом и подавать в неглубоких супницах.
    Комментарий дня от [info]diabigor: Подавать в неглубоких супницах. Что значит аскетизм. Другой бы на его месте прямо из глубоких супниц бы жрал.
    Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010
    10:43 am
    песни на радио "Эсхатон"
    (Andrew Bird's Bowl Of Fire)

    Studies have shown that we, like sheep, are prone
    To sure fatal doses of malcontent through osmosis.
    But don't be sympathetic, just pass the anaesthetic
    'Cuz sheep are benign, and on the young we will dine.
    Burn her pale blue shroud, and tread on her bones.
    The din of the boys' club crowd reveals we've always been clones.
    Oh this being true, you know there's more than just two.
    In the cards are four aces, so turn and shoot at twelve paces.

    Studies have shown that we, like sheep, are prone
    To sure fatal doses of malcontent through osmosis.
    But don't be sympathetic, just pass the anaesthetic
    'Cuz sheep are benign, and on the young we will dine.
    Burn her pale blue shroud, and tread on her bones.
    The din of the boys' club crowd reveals we've always been clones.
    Oh, this being true, you know there's more than just two,
    So tie up your laces for the gene pool race of races.
    Friday, November 6th, 2009
    9:47 pm
    liquid hot magma!
    Вот вы сидите и пишете в своих уютных дневничках, а тем временем у Магмы вышел новый альбом: Ëmëhntëhtt-Rê
    Sunday, August 9th, 2009
    7:53 pm
    "So you talk about mobs and the working classes as if they were the question. You've got that eternal idiotic idea that if anarchy came it would come from the poor. Why should it? the poor have been rebels, but they have never been anarchists; they have more interest than anyone else in there being some decent government. The poor man really has a stake in the country. The rich man hasn't; he can go away to New Guinea in a yacht. The poor have sometimes objected to being governed badly; the rich have always objected to being governed at all. Aristocrats were always anarchists, as you can see from the barons' wars."

    -- G.K. Chesterton, The Man Who Was Thursday

    Current Music: Tom Waits: Grapefruit Moon
    Thursday, June 18th, 2009
    2:27 pm
    искусственный интеллект!
    Вдогонку к этому:

    Dear Customer,

    As someone who has purchased or rated Geometric Partial Differential Equations and Image Analysis by Guillermo Sapiro, you might like to know that The Development of Outer Space: Sovereignty and Property Rights in International Space Law will be released on June 30, 2009. You can pre-order yours by following the link below.

    Ах, да, мы как раз вчера вернулись из Японии, где провели две недели. Скоро напишу.

    Current Mood: working
    Current Music: Death In Vegas: Girls
    Sunday, April 26th, 2009
    12:13 pm
    should we be doing more?
    Вчера вечером смотрел In The Mouth Of Madness, а вот и материал в тему:

    Should We Be Doing More To Reduce The Graphic Violence In Our Dreams?

    Current Mood: working
    Sunday, April 19th, 2009
    10:44 pm
    J.G. Ballard RIP

    Current Music: Tine Kindermann: Es ist ein Schnitter
    Sunday, April 12th, 2009
    11:54 am
    Джон Кроули в The Solitudes называет древнеегипетских жрецов бюрократами духа. Очень точно, мне кажется.

    Current Mood: working
    Current Music: Gorky's Zygotic Mynci
    Wednesday, April 1st, 2009
    10:35 am
    А вот хiй вам, а не первоапрельские розыгрыши.

    Current Mood: meh
    Tuesday, February 17th, 2009
    9:34 am
    Простыл. Сижу дома. Пью горячий чай с лимоном. Доказываю теоремы.

    Current Mood: sick
    Current Music: Zombie-Zombie: A Land For Renegades
    Sunday, January 25th, 2009
    12:39 pm
    новый мем
    водоффка и картофанчик
    водоффка и картофанчик
    водоффка и картофанчик
    водоффка и картофанчик
    водоффка и картофанчик

    Current Mood: blah
    Current Music: Love: Robert Montgomery
    Friday, January 9th, 2009
    9:04 pm
    студенты, епта
    Получил сегодня анонимные отзывы студентов за прошедший семестр. Стандартные вопросы: что вы можете сказать о качестве преподавания? о преподавателе? о выборе учебника? и т.д. Ответы были в целом положительные, но наиболее запомнившийся отзыв состоял из одного и того же односложного ответа на каждый вопрос: Что же это был за ответ? )

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: Danava
    Thursday, January 1st, 2009
    10:30 pm
    (п)раз(д)ные мысли
    Известно, что некоторые математики принимали амфетамины, и не могли без них поддерживать тот темп работы, к которому они привыкли: например, Эрдеш, Тарский. Напрашивается вопрос: нужно ли ввести проверку на допинг, скажем, при присуждении филдсовской премии? (О, эта тема уже обсуждалась).

    Current Mood: blah
    10:28 pm
    из серии "100 доселе неизвестных фактов о себе"
    Обнаружил на странице одного бывшего аспиранта из Урбаны-Шампейн следующее, в рубрике "Some little recognized but pervasivley applied principles":
    Principle of Minimization of Weirdness (or Mulder's Hammer): If you come across two or more things that are weird and inexplicable, it is acceptable to assign them the same root cause, or otherwise consider them equivalent.
    Название аспирант придумал сам, а формулировка приписывается мне. Аспиранта помню, семинар по нейронным сетям, на котором я вроде бы сие сформулировал, тоже, а вот как формулировал -- увы, не припомню.

    Current Mood: perplexed
    Wednesday, December 31st, 2008
    11:42 am
    Всех с наступающим новым! Пусть все у вас будет хорошо.

    Current Mood: peaceful
    Sunday, August 17th, 2008
    10:35 am
    Lynch, Herzog, Jodorowsky
    Рано или поздно это должно было случиться, и вот:
    The Hollywood Reporter reports that a film co-written by Herzog and his longtime assistant director Herbert Golder will be produced by David Lynch and his Absurda production company. My Son, My Son is based on the true story of a man who, based upon a play by Sophocles, kills his mother with a sword. Lynchian enough already, the film will tell the story in a flashback structure. Also following Lynch's style, it will be shot in DV rather than film. ...

    As odd a collaboration as Herzog and Lynch may be (and trust us, it's odd), even more unlikely comes the announcement that Lynch and Absurda will be working on a film with Alejandro Jodorowsky. Best known for his series of surreal, mind-bending Fando y Lis, El Topo and The Holy Mountain, Jodorowsky hasn't made a film since 1990. Jodorowsky certainly shares a lot more common ground with Lynch, but hearing of any new project by the Chilean 79-year-old is a bit incredible.

    Jodorowsky's film will be the metaphysical gangster movie King Shot. Already guaranteed to be NC-17 (no surprise given his earlier works), the film features Marilyn Manson as a 300-year old pope and will star Nick Nolte.
    (via Coilhouse)

    Current Mood: excited
    Current Music: Hellsongs: Paranoid
    Saturday, July 26th, 2008
    5:12 pm
    ютюб дня: психоделический фарш
    Эстонский рекламный ролик 80х (!) годов:

    Current Mood: working
    Current Music: Super Furry Animals: HEY VENUS!
    Monday, June 30th, 2008
    8:26 am
    жизнь замечательных людей
    Thomas Simpson (August 20, 1710 – May 14, 1761) was a British mathematician, inventor and eponym of Simpson's rule to approximate definite integrals. However, this rule was also found 200 years earlier from Johannes Kepler, in the so-called de:Keplersche Fassregel. Simpson was born in Market Bosworth, Leicestershire. The son of a weaver, Simpson taught himself mathematics, then turned to astrology after seeing an solar eclipse. He also dabbled in divination and caused fits in a girl after 'raising a devil' from her. After this incident, he and his wife had to flee to Derby. They later moved to London.

    From 1743, he taught mathematics at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich.

    Apparently, the method that became known as Simpson's rule was well known and used earlier by Bonaventura Cavalieri (a student of Galileo) in 1639, later rediscovered by James Gregory, and was only attributed to Simpson.

    Details of Simpson's personal life are not plentiful. Simpson's successor as professor of mathematics at the Woolwich Academy, Charles Hutton, offered an interesting, if apologetic, hint: "It has been said that Mr. Simpson frequented low company, with whom he used to guzzle porter and gin: but it must be observed that the misconduct of his family put it out of his power to keep the company of gentlemen, as well as to procure better liquor."
    (From Stephen Stigler, The History of Statistics: The Measurement of Uncertainty Before 1900)

    Current Mood: awake
    Current Music: Super Furry Animals: HEY VENUS!
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