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Пишет ded_maxim ([info]ded_maxim)
@ 2010-03-03 10:43:00

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песни на радио "Эсхатон"
(Andrew Bird's Bowl Of Fire)

Studies have shown that we, like sheep, are prone
To sure fatal doses of malcontent through osmosis.
But don't be sympathetic, just pass the anaesthetic
'Cuz sheep are benign, and on the young we will dine.
Burn her pale blue shroud, and tread on her bones.
The din of the boys' club crowd reveals we've always been clones.
Oh this being true, you know there's more than just two.
In the cards are four aces, so turn and shoot at twelve paces.

Studies have shown that we, like sheep, are prone
To sure fatal doses of malcontent through osmosis.
But don't be sympathetic, just pass the anaesthetic
'Cuz sheep are benign, and on the young we will dine.
Burn her pale blue shroud, and tread on her bones.
The din of the boys' club crowd reveals we've always been clones.
Oh, this being true, you know there's more than just two,
So tie up your laces for the gene pool race of races.

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