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Пишет ded_maxim ([info]ded_maxim)
@ 2005-07-20 12:27:00

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Музыка:Анна Герман: Солнечный день

Spurious about Gillian Rose
Then there is the love of agape, of the everyday, of that shared life that erotic love can become. That love which commences in the hours the lovers spend sleeping with one another. Sleeping and then waking into a world shared. To sleep is to journey, each apart - two selves - and together. A subtle negotiation begins. Love is the third term that interrupts love's folie a deux. Agapic love is not shared egotism, but shared adventure. The everyday is its milieu.

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2005-07-20 21:29 (ссылка)
Ну, и где гейтование?

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2005-07-21 00:58 (ссылка)
не работает, что ль?

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2005-07-21 07:05 (ссылка)
Работает уже.

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