Хроники Города Глупова - Поймали 10 русских шпионов
June 28th, 2010
11:11 pm


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Поймали 10 русских шпионов

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Date:June 30th, 2010 - 02:20 am
это как последние 10 мин индианы джонс - всё нах рушится, империя дохнет.
Я так понимаю, их не обвинили пока в шпионаже:
They have been charged with "Conspiracy to Act as Unregistered Agents of a Foreign Government."

Чо-чо интерсное там замутилось:
из этого документа:

"On a number of other occasions, the SVR specifically indicated that information collected and conveyed by the New Jersey Conspirators was especially valuable. Thus, for example, during the summer and f a l l of 2009, CYNTHIA MURPHY, the defendant, using contacts she had met in,New York, conveyed a number of reports to Center about prospects for the global gold market. In October of 2 0 09, the SVR responded: "Info: on gold – v. useful [sic], i t was sent directly (after due adaptation) to Min[.] of Finfance], Min[.] of ec [onomic] development]."

А вот др. документ:

"Worse even than the long, slow grind along the bottom described in the foregoing section is a sudden catastrophic collapse. In that context, the greatest threat to U.S. national security is the destruction of the U.S. dollar as an international medium of exchange. By destruction we do not mean total elimination but rather a devaluation of 50 percent or more versus broad-based indices of purchasing power for goods, services, and commodities and the dollar’s displacement globally by a more widely accepted medium.

The intention of Central Bank of Russia would be to cause a 50 percent overnight devaluation of the U.S. dollar and displace the U.S. dollar as the leading global reserve currency. The expected market value of gold resulting from this exchange offer is $4,000 per ounce, i.e., the market clearing price for gold as money on a one-for-one basis. Russia could begin buying gold “at the market” (i.e., perhaps $1,000 per ounce initially); however, over time its persistent buying would push gold-as-money to the clearing price of $4,000 per ounce. However, gold selling would stop long before Russia was out of cash as market participants came to realize that they preferred holding gold at the new higher dollar-denominated level. Gold will actually be constant, e.g., at one ounce = 25 barrels of oil; it is the dollar that depreciates.

Another important concept is the idea of setting the global price by using the marginal price. Russia does not have to buy all the gold in the world. It just has to buy the marginal ounce and credibly stand ready to buy more. At that point, all of the gold in the world will reprice automatically to the level offered by the highest bidder, i.e., Russia.

Basically, the mechanism is to switch the numeraire from dollars to gold; then things start to look different and the dollar looks like just another repudiated currency as happened in Weimar and Zimbabwe. Russia's paper losses on its dollar securities are more than compensated for by (a) getting paid in gold for its oil, (b) the increase in the value of its gold holdings (in dollars), and (c) watching the dollar collapse worldwide."
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Date:June 30th, 2010 - 08:08 am
Черт его знает уже, чему верить.
Я укрепляюсь в позициях, что когда мне говорит нечто Официальное
Лицо, неважно, правда это или нет (и с этой точки зрения никакого
различия между правдой и неправдой нет), самое интересное, на какую
реакцию с моей стороны при этом рассчитывают. Ну а варианты могут
быть всякие. Либо Медвед сдал клиентуру в обмен на что-то, о чем
не пишут, либо начинают опять надувать "советскую военную угрозу".

Опять же, если Америка провалится в тартарары, спрос на нефть в мире
здорово упадет. Вообще тряхнет так, что неизвестно, какой и для кого
будет конечный эффект, на Америку пока завязано слишком много.
Date:July 1st, 2010 - 02:50 pm
И кто-то потеряет работу...

А если серьёзно — полагаю что это ответочка в пин-понге про «английский шпионский камень». Хорошая лакмусова бумажка подобных вбросов — было ли предъявлено кому-то обвинение. В случае с «английским камнем» — не было, так что следим за руками — под каким стаканчиком шарик?
Date:July 4th, 2010 - 06:14 pm
>...это ответочка в пин-понге про «английский шпионский камень».

Они, конечно, тормоза, но не настолько.
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