Хроники Города Глупова - Смешная штука
September 13th, 2015
09:54 pm


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Смешная штука

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Date:September 14th, 2015 - 09:27 pm
ABSTRACT: Objectives: The media coverage about absinthe, a bitter spirit containing wormwood (Ar-temisia absinthium L.), continues to repeat unsubstantiated myths and legends and the public is systematically misinformed. Especially, the theory about a significant thujone content in absinthe must be put into perspective as there are a number of different wormwood chemotypes with a large variance in thujone content (0-70.6% in essential oil). However, a relatively high thujone amount of 260 mg/l derived from out-of-date calculations is generally presented as "historical content" in addition with reports about unsubstantiated psychoactive or aphrodisiac properties. With the end of absinthe's prohibition and rising public interest in the product, the misinformation in scientific studies was transferred to the popular press. The 260 mg/l is presented as common knowledge, and it is given as fact that the thujone content in the mid-nineteenth century was sig-nificantly greater than it is today. Methods: The thujone concentrations in pre-ban absinthe were calculated using authentic 19th century French recipes under regard of the composition of wormwood oil derived by a litera-ture review. Results: A typical Absinthe Suisse de Pontarlier was calculated to have contained 23±21 mg/l of thujone. It was, therefore, proven that the previous calculations overestimated the thujone content. Discussion: The following point about the thujone content of pre-ban absinthe should be stressed: there are no analyses from the 19th century because neither knowledge about thujone nor the required analytical methodologies were in existence. Therefore, so-called "historical thujone contents" are either speculative or derived from calculations using historic recipe books, experi-mental production of absinthes using such recipes, or analyses of vintage absinthes. The most conclusive evidence is provided by a number of studies about the experimental production of absinthes, and the analyses of vintage absinthes, which consistently showed that they contained only relatively low concentrations of thujone (< 10 mg/l).

Toxin in absinthe makes neurons run wild. Available from: http://www.researchgate.net/publication/229607620_Toxin_in_absinthe_makes_neurons_run_wild [accessed Sep 14, 2015].
Date:September 14th, 2015 - 09:29 pm
t.e. v drevnie vremena pili to zhe samoe govno chto i seichas. Nu da, v US 10 a v EU 35 mg/g. Kazhetsya eto vse o-maloe.
[User Picture]
Date:September 14th, 2015 - 09:37 pm
Ага. В 3.5 раза.
Т.е. или и то и другое не может вызвать глюков по причине о-малости, и тогда
см. мою ссылку и чеши репу а чего ж это FDA залупается, или галюциногенные
свойства аевропейского абсента наблюдаемы и в 3.5 раза сильнее американского.
Тогда они отличаются существенно для этой дискуссии.
[User Picture]
Date:September 15th, 2015 - 01:06 am
Галлюциногенные свойства абсента это городская легенда, источник которой - пропагандистская кампания в духе Reefer Madness.

Date:September 15th, 2015 - 02:05 am
Eto ne obsuzhdaetsya. Kogo ebet FDA itd. Intersno chto procent soderzhaniya v starye veremens kazhetsya suschestvenno zavyshen. Ya ne chuvstvoval nikakoi raznicy mezhdu 35 mg i 10 mg.

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