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Пишет SashaM ([info]drugnaroda)
@ 2006-02-25 00:00:00

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Музыка:Die Krupps

Layla.rossia.org -- потоянно растущее собрание сочинений самого дорогого мне человека -- моей прекрасной жены Лейлы. Читайте и комментируйте.

Например, трагическая история закабаления Последнего Порногероя эпохи Радикальной Демократии.

Val Thickets rocks away as therobot back-plays a tape depicting Seal Husky with a big mustache and a big bulge on his crotch tying upsomeone in a sack and pulling out this someone's tubes; we understandthat he is performing a sexual act on this someone. The tape keepsrewinding to Husky's childhood, and we learn that even then, as a youngchild, he had his thick mustache and the big hard-on with which little Husky ran around and which he poked into everything and everyone. Huskyhas always been and still is a charming, smily, energetic, happy,aroused man. The tape rewinds further to his birth, a moment filledwith the promise of manhood and its two signs. We see his father, alsowith the Husky trademark of the bushy upper lip and the volumous bulge.He (the father not the bulge) gets smaller and smaller, hisgrandparents younger and younger. We realize from the footage thatHusky's grandfather too, proudly smiled under the bush and above thebulge. The film stops at the grandparents arriving in the Verticalworld. We see that the sexual "theme" began with the grandfather who, with his bushy manhood, kept getting in trouble with undergroundsexuality. The robot switches to the next footage on another screen,this time forwarding on slow mode. We see "Gene collectors" refusingHusky's gene, because - as they tick on the forms - the donor-elementhas "anomalia". Thus, tragically, at Seal Husky the reproduction ofthis manly race comes to an end. From the fast-forward we learn thatHusky's fate has been sealed: he has been reduced to undergroun dpornography and sexual aberrations.

Или вот совместный рассказ -- посвящение далёкому бельгийскому другу.

With time, the friendly Zhopkins became even friendlier. However, heexperienced a tingling of unease at their candid winks. Soon, themiddle-aged Mr. and Mrs. Machinados across the street along with theirteenage children began to grin and to wink as well. However, none ofthem ever exchanged more than the banal “have a good day” and “how areyou”. He began to notice that Kastroola was more occupied than whatseemed to be necessary with her social work. She had numerous agendas,notebooks, cases and crates that she received, sent or stored in thevarious safes of her mother’s mysterious home. Her strong-willed,elegant fingers, which he so cherished, now pottered about in oddpapers, pecking the keyboard sending strange e-mails and messages heknew not where. Yet, he did not pay much attention to any of it, sincetheir relationship was as immaculate. As he would drive his Volvo home, his stomach hummed his favourite gastric tunes.

А вот в защиту Шарля Перро от нападок гнусных американских зомби-профессоров.

Ещё красота.

Лейла вообще гениальна, это факт.