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Пишет Кирилл ГАЛАБУРДА ([info]galaburdakiri2)
@ 2023-12-08 04:04:00

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ЗППП у детей передаются не половым путём
«adult genital inflammation was closely associated with a history of sexual intercourse, abortion, and unclean cervical manipulation, with a higher proportion of endogenous infections than exogenous infections. STIs are relatively common diseases in adults (18). For children and adolescents, the presentence of first-visit (0.1%) for STIs was extremely low (51, 0.1%) in the current study. The history of our patients with STIs showed they did not have sexual life or sexual abuse. Some of their parents or grandparents have a similar infection. Some of them have been to the public bathroom or swimming pool. The possible reason for preschool girls with STIs is not due to sexual transmission in our study, which is quite different from the epidemic characteristics of girls in other countries. In the United States, approximately 20 million new STIs occur, half of the cases among adolescents aged 15-24 years (19). In all, our study described the whole picture of epidemiological characteristics and categories of girls genital inflammation in China, not only including vulvovaginitis caused by bacteria or fungi, but also vaginal foreign body and other factors.»

[GAO, Huihui & ZHANG, Yuchen & PAN, Yanzheng & ZHAO, Mengjia & QI, Ye & ZHOU, Mingming & CHAN, Symphorosa & HUANG, Siyi & SONG, Peige & TANG, Kun & SUN, Liying & YUAN, Changzheng, «Patterns of pediatric and adolescent female genital inflammation in China: an eight-year retrospective study of 49,175 patients in China. Frontiers in public health» (DOI 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1073886) // FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH. — 2023. — №11:1073886]


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2023-12-08 04:13 (ссылка)
ЗППП выдумка, вирусы не существуют.

SYPHILIS: Is it a Mischievous Myth or a Malignant Monster

By Herbert M. Shelton Published 1962 by Health Research, Mokelumne Hill, California


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2023-12-08 05:00 (ссылка)
и как тогда по вашему болезни работают?

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2023-12-08 18:31 (ссылка)
> боль езни
а как по вашему можно сделать человеку больно? что такое боль?

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2023-12-08 18:32 (ссылка)
даже ссылку на целую книгу дали, кушай на здоровье.

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