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Пишет gilgamesh_lugal ([info]gilgamesh_lugal)
@ 2007-11-03 11:37:00

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Музыка:Soulfly - Prejudice
Entry tags:охренительное рядом

Иллюстрации из книги Lutz, Peter L. The rise of experimental biology: an illustrated history

Western medieval copy of Arabic original. Fourteenth century Latin illustration of human skeleton. (From
Choulant, 1920.)

The parts of the eye, from a late fourteenth century manuscript. Although it has a distinctly “surrealistic”
perspective, the figure contains some accurate information. The labels on the right list the three humors and the seven
tunics, including the retina (1) and the cornea (6). On the left, the cranium, dura mater, pia mater and the cerebellum
are named.

A late fifteenth century dissection. The bleeding indicates that the corpse is fresh. The inevitable accompanying
dog looks on. (From De propietatibus rerum by Bartholomeus Angelicus, Bibliothèque National, Paris.)
Убивает ПРИСУТСТВИЕ ЯВНО ЗАИНТЕРЕСОВАННОЙ СОБАЧКИ :() Впрочем, на другой иллюстрации, оставленной в книге, показано, по всей видимости, продолжение сюжета.

Muscle Tabula from Fabrica. Muscles are often depicted in a state of contraction, and suggest movement and
Сценарий "Восставшего из ада" явно заимствован у Андрея Везалия и его коллег:

A sixteenth century anatomical study of the outer muscle layer, from a front view of the body. This bizarre
illustration of a man who has skinned himself is from di Hamusco (1556) by Juan Valverde (Choulant, 1920).

Rowlandson’s robust illustration of a popular lecture in physiology: “An experimental lecture on the powers
of air.”

Собственно книжка: http://avaxhome.info/ebooks/science_books/biology_genetics/The.Rise.of.Experimental.Biology.html

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2007-11-03 04:56 (ссылка)
А почему у скелета на черепе эмблема Мицубиси (первая картинка)?
Вторая - вообще какой-то Сальвадор Дали, это он любил глаза на носу рисовать. :))

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2007-11-03 05:30 (ссылка)
Ага, андроид Мицубиси!

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