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Wednesday, November 25th, 2020

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    Вірменія внаслідок цього ізолювала себе не лише від західного політичного світу але й від мільйонів вірменів Заходу, які об’єктивно не могли допомагати своїй історичній батьківщині через її абсолютно проросійську орієнтацію, що доходила незрідка до абсурду. Телеканал ICTV, програма „Антизомбі” показала вражаючі кадри, як у 2014 році в Степанакерті (адміністративний центр Нагірного Карабаґу) вірменська влада організувала свята з піснями й танцями на честь російської анексії Криму.
    Та й дії самої Вірменії не завжди забезпечували їй розуміння цивілізованого світу. Адже крім Карабаґу (про який ще можна якось сперечатися) Вірменія окупувала сім абсолютно азербайджанських районів (за етнічним складом населення) і незаконно контролювала їх аж до листопада 2020 року. Якби вірменську політику визначили мудрі діячі, вони давно повернули б ті райони Азербайджану, а про Нагірний Карабаґ вели переговори.
    Однак у Єревані вважали, що прихильність до них Кремля - то є кам’яний мур, за яким можна було робити геть усе, нічого не побоюючись. Але для Вірменії в 2020 році російський велетень виявився, як кажуть китайці, «паперовим тигром».
    К попоболезненной теме выеборов унд алсо фальсификаций
    The elections of 1936 were narrowly won by the Popular Front, with vastly smaller resources than the political right, who followed Nazi propaganda techniques. The exact numbers of votes differ among historians; Brenan assigns the Popular Front 4,700,000 votes, the Right around 4,000,000 and the centre 450,000, while Antony Beevor argues the Left won by just 150,000 votes. Stanley Payne reports that, of the 9,864,763 votes cast, the Popular Front and its allies won 4,654,116 votes (47.2%), while the right and its allies won 4,503,505 votes (45.7%), however this was heavily divided between the right and the centre-right. The remaining 526,615 votes (5.4%) were won by the centre and Basque nationalists. It was a comparatively narrow victory in terms of votes, but Paul Preston describes it as a 'triumph of power in the Cortes' – the Popular Front won 267 deputies and the Right only 132, and the imbalance caused by the nature of Spain's electoral system since the 1932 election law came into force. The same system had benefited the political right in 1933. However, Stanley Payne argues that the leftist victory may not have been legitimate; Payne says that in the evening of the day of the elections leftist mobs started to interfere in the balloting and in the registration of votes distorting the results; Payne also argues that President Alcala Zamora appointed Manuel Azaña as head of the new government following the Popular Front's early victory even though the election process was incomplete. As a result, the Popular Front was able to register its own victory at the polls and Payne alleges it manipulated its victory to gain extra seats it should not have won. According to Payne, this augmented the Popular Front's victory into one that gave them control of over two-thirds of the seats, allowing it to amend the constitution as it desired. Payne thus argues that the democratic process had ceased to exist.

    Убийцы демократии

    Current Music: Mercedes Peón - Cabo de Min
    Беспорядки в Астурии-1934
    Крейсер "свобода" стреляет по восставшим рабочим и генеральская голова на пике
    On the same day, the cruiser Libertad and two gunboats reached Gijón, where they fired on the workers at the shore. Bombers also attacked coalfields and Oviedo. The capture of the two key ports effectively spelled the end of the strike. After two weeks of heavy fighting (and a death toll estimated between 1,200 and 2,000), the rebellion was suppressed. General López Ochoa summarily executed a number of legionnaires and Moroccan colonial troops for torturing prisoners and hacking them to death. Historian Javier Tusell argues that although Franco had a leading role, giving instructions from Madrid, that does not mean he took part in the illegal repressive activities. According to Tussell it was López de Óchoa, a republican freemason who had been appointed by President Zamora to lead the repression in the field, who was unable to limit bloodshed.
    At the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, López Ochoa was in a military hospital in Carabanchel and was awaiting trial, accused of responsibility for the deaths of 20 civilians in barracks in Oviedo. Given the violence occurring throughout Madrid, the government attempted to move Ochoa from the hospital to a safer location but was twice prevented from doing so by large hostile crowds. A third attempt was made under the pretence that Ochoa was already dead, but the ruse was exposed and the general was taken away. Paul Preston states that an anarchist dragged him from the coffin in which he was lying and shot him in the hospital garden. His head was hacked off, stuck on a pole and publicly paraded. His remains were then displayed with a sign reading "This is the butcher of Asturias."

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