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Monday, November 30th, 2020

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    Уильям Эрнест Хенли -- Пан распятый

    Throughout his life, the contrast between Henley's physical appearance and his mental and creative capacities struck acquaintances in completely opposite, but equally forceful ways. Recalling his old friend, Sidney Low commented, "...to me he was the startling image of Pan come to Earth and clothed – the great god Pan... with halting foot and flaming shaggy hair, and arms and shoulders huge and threatening, like those of some Faun or Satyr of the ancient woods, and the brow and eyes of the Olympians." After hearing of Henley's death on 13 July 1903, the author Wilfrid Scawen Blunt recorded his physical and ideological repugnance to the late poet and editor in his diary, "He has the bodily horror of the dwarf, with the dwarf's huge bust and head and shrunken nether limbs, and he has also the dwarf malignity of tongue and defiant attitude towards the world at large. Moreover, I am quite out of sympathy with Henley's deification of brute strength and courage, things I wholly despise."
    Не знал -- оказывается, существует полнометражный мультфильм по "энеиде" котляревского
    Рік: 1991
    Режисер: Володимир Дахно
    Сценарій: Юрій Аліков
    Оператор: Анатолій Гаврилов
    Композитор: Ігорь Поклад
    Астурийский аналог Нибелунгов

    The Nuberu (Asturian and Cantabrian), Nubero (Castilian) or Nubeiro (Galician) -literally "The Clouder"- is a character of Asturian, Cantabrian, Galician and northern Castilian mythology. According to Asturian mythology, the Nuberu (also known in Western Asturias as Reñubeiru or Xuan Cabritu), is the divinity of clouds and storms.
    In some stories he is an individual, in other, the Nuberu is a species of dwarf-like beings with the power to control the weather. Sometimes it is represented as a man with a thick beard, who wears goat leathers and a big hat. Their appearance changes from region to region but they are usually elderly, winged, dark and terribly ugly. When he is perceived as a single entity Nuberu dresses with dark pelts and leather, travels in a chariot pulled by wolves, and wears a patch to cover an injured or missing eye. He, or they, can be terribly cruel to people, damaging fields and pastures, although he can also be very kind to those who had helped him before. The myth tells us that he lives in the city of Orito, in Egypt. Folklorists think that Nuberu is an Asturian remnant of the ancient god Taranis, who also ruled over the skies and was worshipped in Asturias until the Middle Ages. Other folklorists connect Nuberu with either Thor or Donar, or even Odin since both of them are cunning and lack an eye. Other folklorists, such as Aurelio del Llano defend the Phoenician origins of this tradition.

    Current Music: Nuberu - La Cabraliega

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