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Пишет Apocalypse Won ([info]harllatham)
@ 2021-02-15 16:16:00

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Ирландские поминки по обычаю справляются перед погребением (а не после) в присутствии покойного (в открытом гробу -- если тело не изуродовано)

Typically, the body is waked for at least one night, during which time family, neighbours, friends, work colleagues and acquaintances visit the house to pay their respects.
Expect to see lots of people sitting around drinking tea, eating sandwiches, biscuits and cakes and chatting – even in the room where the body is laid out.
A more recent story, which is almost certainly a myth, is that the tradition of the wake in Ireland came about as a result of the frequent lead poisoning suffered by drinkers of stout from pewter tankards. A symptom of this malaise is a catatonic state resembling death, from which the sufferer may recover after a period of a few hours to a day or so, to the relief of those watching for signs of such an awakening.

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2021-02-15 19:48 (ссылка)
в snatch изображены именно такие поминки, как я понимаю
