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Пишет Apocalypse Won ([info]harllatham)
@ 2023-12-21 18:16:00

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Der hereroische Bebel
Bebel is also famed for his outrage at the news of German mistreatment of indigenous people in German South-West Africa, the Herero nation in particular. In 1904 following a violent uprising by the Herero people against German officials, soldiers, and settlers, Imperial German Army General Lothar von Trotha launched the Herero and Namaqua Genocide to crush the revolt by waging a "war of extermination" against the Herero. In response, Bebel and the German Social Democratic Party became the only party in the Reichstag to oppose increased colonial expenditures, and in a speech in March 1904 Bebel classified the policy in German South-West Africa as "not only barbaric, but bestial". This caused some sections of the contemporary German press to scathingly classify Bebel as "Der hereroische Bebel" (Bebel the Hereroic")

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2023-12-21 17:24 (ссылка)
The well-known saying "Anti-Semitism is the socialism of fools" ("Der Antisemitismus ist der Sozialismus der dummen Kerle") is frequently attributed to Bebel, but probably originated with the Austrian democrat Ferdinand Kronawetter; it was in general use among German Social Democrats by the 1890s.
