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Jan. 8th, 2020|12:26 am

🔗 https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/477058-officials-to-kill-thousands-of-camels-in-australia-as-they-drink
Officials to kill thousands of camels in Australia as they drink too much water amid wildfires
Leaders in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands in northwest Australia will send helicopters to kill up to 10,000 camels in a five-day campaign starting Wednesday, The Australian reported. The order to kill comes as a drought makes the camels more desperate for water, causing chaos in local communities.

Common Name: Arabian Camel (Dromedary)
🔗 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_feral_camel

🔗 https://www.tvc.ru/news/show/id/152203
Creatures that can survive the apocalypse have been named
Arabian camel, well known to us, can survive any cataclysm. They are able to do without food and water for a long time, while being in the wild heat, RIA Novosti reports.

#australia #camel #climateaction #dromedary #eschaton #humanism #massmedia #metaprogramming #ritual #revision #sacrifice #traumaticexp
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