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Пишет imp_18533 ([info]shkrobius@lj)
Re: И не только про пытки
As someone who works for US DOE I can assure you that there is no suppression of this field by the "oil lobby". It is actually exactly the other way round. The recent surge in the "H2 economy" research is lobbied by the US oil industry that is interested in the US government subsidized cheap H2 that can be used for hydrogenization of low petroleum fractions. If the production cost of H2 goes down by 20%, profitable production of semisynthetic fuel will be possible. Since there is no technology to reduce this cost, the industry tries to force the government to absorb it. As for "hydrogen economy" itself, it is a far-fetched dream of idle minds. It solves absolutely no problem unless the energy comes from nuclear reactors or solar power. The latter is unfeasible and the former is unpopular. Liquid ammonia would be a much better fuel as it packs more hydrogen than liquid H2, it is easily liquefied, and the infrastructure for its delivery already exists. Have you ever asked yourself: why nobody talks about "ammonia economy" which is possible today rather than "hydrogen economy" which is always possible in 50 years (when nobody making promises is around)? Because "hydrogen economy" is about extracting money from governments rather than addressing the pressing needs of humanity.

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