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Пишет DK ([info]k_d_s)
@ 2020-04-04 00:50:00

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Mathematical proof that rocked number theory will be published
Acceptance of the work in Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences (RIMS) — a journal of which Mochizuki is chief editor, published by the institute where he works at Kyoto University — is the latest development in a long and acrimonious controversy over the mathematicians' proof.


“My judgment has not changed in any way since I wrote that manuscript with Jakob Stix,” Scholze told Nature in an email. (In a separate email, Stix declined a request for comment.)

At the press conference, Tamagawa said the solution itself had not changed in response to Scholze and Stix's criticism. There are some comments about it that will also be published in the manuscript, but no fundamental change, said Tamagawa.

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