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@ 2020-07-08 21:53:00

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Настроение: tired
Музыка:Combustible Edison ‎- The Impossible World
Entry tags:deutschland, frankreich, kunst, lustig, mukke

Hector Berlioz


Within three weeks of his arrival he went absent without leave: he had learnt that Marie had broken off their engagement and was to marry an older and richer suitor, Camille Pleyel, the heir to the Pleyel piano manufacturing company. Berlioz made an elaborate plan to kill them both (and her mother, known to him as "l'hippopotame"), and acquired poisons, pistols and a disguise for the purpose. By the time he reached Nice on his journey to Paris he thought better of the scheme, abandoned the idea of revenge, and successfully sought permission to return to the Villa Medici.