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Пишет DK ([info]k_d_s)
@ 2020-11-10 01:34:00

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Настроение: drunk
Музыка:KTRLT - Luciferian Path

Addicted to Proof
He is quite famous; at forty, he discovered
A law for the distribution of the size
Of gaps between consecutive prime numbers,
And for this work, he won the Abel Prize.

He teaches well—the students love his classes;
His mind seems sound, despite his advanced years,
But somehow, his ability in math has,
In the course of time, completely disappeared.

So all his friends try to dissuade him gently
From announcing he has proved Goldbach was right;
His colleagues listen to his talk intently,
And laugh at him when he is out of sight.

For the fact is that proof is an addiction,
And it doesn’t matter if you’re right or wrong;
What matters is the absolute conviction
That you’ve found something no one has ever known.


Well, he'd better not.

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