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Пишет DK ([info]k_d_s)
@ 2020-12-04 10:20:00

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Google fires prominent AI ethicist Timnit Gebru
Timnit Gebru, one of Google’s top artificial intelligence researchers, says the company abruptly fired her yesterday. The technical co-lead of Google’s Ethical Artificial Intelligence Team claims managers were upset about an email she’d sent to colleagues.


Gebru is famous for her work on algorithmic bias, particularly in facial recognition technology. In 2018, she co-authored a paper with Joy Buolamwini showing error rates for identifying darker-skinned people were far higher than the error rates for identifying white-skinned people, in part because the datasets used to train algorithms were overwhelmingly white.

You congratulated someone for being on a list, singing their praises, then fired them less than two months later. The whiteness is entrenched in you huh?

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