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Пишет DK ([info]k_d_s)
@ 2021-03-04 00:49:00

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Germany places entire far-right AfD under surveillance — reports
The BfV is apparently unable to announce the decision officially because of an ongoing legal dispute.

A court in the city of Cologne last week rejected an urgent motion by the AfD to stop the BfV from
placing it under formal investigation. The party said any announcement that it was being investigated
would undermine its right to fight the election on an equal footing to other political parties.

In response, the BfV said it would not make any formal announcement on investigations into the AfD
for the foreseeable future. The same would apply to candidates standing in elections in 2021.

The court in Cologne said that, because the BfV had confirmed it would postpone any public
announcement on the matter, the AfD's motion was redundant.

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