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Roland Wiesendanger In February 2021, he released a working paper and preprint, non-peer-reviewed publication suggesting that SARS-CoV-2 had escaped from a lab in Wuhan, a story which was picked up by many German news services including TV. Wiesendanger himself does not see his "study" as a formal scientific publication, but it "is intended to serve as information for a broad public in Germany".He pleads for "adopting a neutral position with regard to the origin of the coronavirus and (to) conduct an open-ended discussion until the decisive question of the origin of the pandemic is finally clarified". Wiesendanger's motivation for addressing the origin of the coronavirus was concern for the future of gain-of-function research.https://www.uni-hamburg.de/newsroom/presse/2021/pm8.htmlDie „Studie“ von Herrn Wiesendanger der Uni Hamburg entspricht nicht den wissenschaftlichen Standards, die wir von einer Universität erwarten. Sie spielt stattdessen nur Verschwörungstheoretiker*innen in die Hände und schürt anti-asiatischen Rassismus.Совсем они там в своем Гамбурге страх потеряли.
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