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Пишет DK ([info]k_d_s)
@ 2021-04-16 00:30:00

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Настроение: sleepy
Entry tags:australien, irland, kambodscha, kunst, lustig

Holiday in Cambodia

When asked by Vice magazine about the smiles, he said that women appeared to smile more than the men in the photos he had seen.
"I think a lot of that has to do with nervousness," he said. "Also - and I'm making an educated guess - whoever was taking the photographs and who was present in the room might have spoken differently to the women than they did the men."
The article made no mention of smiles being added.

In this collection: no. I wasn't hesitant in the least about any of them, because I saw this running theme of crime and punishment. But in general: yeah, I've had two or three occasions when someone really got the wrong end of the stick in terms of the services I offer. The last one was just a few days ago. Some pervert wanted a picture animated, you know?

Can you tell me what happened?
Well, he could have caused a bit of a problem. He's a legit photographer; he works for businesses, has lots of good press on his website and he’s respected. He came to me asking me to do something. It was very clearly an ex-friend and it was sick. He was so thorough and methodical about the things he wanted this animation to do. I wrote a very polite “no.”