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Пишет DK ([info]k_d_s)
@ 2021-06-13 00:39:00

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World expert in scientific misconduct faces legal action
Raoult’s colleague, Prof Eric Chabriere, revealed on Twitter that he and
Raoult have filed a complaint against Bik and Boris Barbour, who helps run a
not-for-profit website called PubPeer which allows scientists to analyse and
provide feedback on each other’s work.

The legal complaint alleges harassment over Bik exposing data errors on
PubPeer, and extortion because she has a Patreon account where people can
donate to her work. She has responded to Raoult’s calls on Twitter to declare
who is funding her by sharing links to her Patreon.

Lonni Besançon, a French postdoctoral research fellow at Monash University
in Australia, said he had also received multiple death threats from Raoult’s
supporters after raising concerns about Raoult’s work.

“But the attacks I get as a white man are a fraction of what women
researchers and researchers of colour get,” he said.


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