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Below are the 18 most recent journal entries recorded in
DK's LiveJournal:
Sunday, July 18th, 2021 | 9:56 pm |
Wie die Thiere den Jäger begraben Current Mood: high | Thursday, April 8th, 2021 | 3:47 am |
L’équilibre des puissances The Concert of Europe functioned effectively in no small part because its members were, broadly speaking, satisfied powers seeking to preserve, not overturn, the territorial status quo. In today’s world, Russian land grabs in Georgia and Ukraine are worrying developments, revealing the Kremlin’s readiness to violate the territorial integrity of its neighbors. So are China’s ongoing efforts to lay claim to and build military facilities on disputed islands in the South China Sea and Beijing’s violation of its pledges to respect Hong Kong’s autonomy. Nonetheless, neither Russia nor China has yet to become an implacably aggressive state committed to wholesale territorial expansion. A global concert also makes that outcome less likely by establishing a forum in which its members can make transparent their core security interests and strategic “redlines.” Nonetheless, if an aggressor state that routinely threatened other members’ interests were to emerge, it would be expelled from the group, and the remaining members of the concert would rally against it. Current Mood: sleepy | Saturday, March 20th, 2021 | 8:51 am |
| Tuesday, March 2nd, 2021 | 4:24 pm |
| Monday, January 4th, 2021 | 12:34 am |
| Tuesday, December 22nd, 2020 | 1:33 am |
| Sunday, August 9th, 2020 | 9:08 am |
U.S. Intelligence Says Republicans Are Working With Russia to Reelect Trump Two weeks ago, William Evanina, director of the United States National Counterintelligence and Security Center, published a somewhat vague warning about various forms of foreign interference in the upcoming election. Today he followed up with a more direct and incriminating one, specifically warning that Russia is working to help reelect Donald Trump. Even more important is what this warning unmistakably implies: that Trump and his Republican allies in Congress are actively cooperating with Russia’s campaign.
Trump obviously tends to respond with rage at the suggestion that Russia wants him to win, let alone that he is accepting the assistance. So Evanina’s summary delicately surrounds the revelations about Trump and Moscow with superficially balancing material. The report highlights three countries that want to influence the election: Russia, China, and Iran. The report notes that the latter two want Trump to lose, while Russia wants him to win.
In addition, the statement notes, “pro-Russia Ukrainian parliamentarian Andriy Derkach is spreading claims about corruption — including through publicizing leaked phone calls — to undermine former Vice President Biden’s candidacy and the Democratic Party.”
Derkach and his Russian allies despise Biden, who spearheaded the administration’s efforts to reform Ukraine, rein in its oligarchs, and diminish Russian influence. They have attempted to depict Biden’s reform efforts as a corrupt plot to enrich his son Hunter.After US intelligence disclosures, Zelensky tells Ukrainians to stay away from 2020 election Current Mood: tired | Monday, July 13th, 2020 | 9:20 am |
| Sunday, July 12th, 2020 | 9:17 pm |
„Ich bin nicht der Oberlehrer der Welt“ Sie haben mehrfach gesagt, dass man gegenüber China Klartext reden muss. Jetzt wäre die Gelegenheit. Warum zögern Sie?
Nicht jedes Thema eignet sich gleichermaßen zum Austragen in Form von Interviews auf dem öffentlichen Markt. Manchmal erreicht man sogar das Gegenteil und schadet denen, die man schützen will. Ich verteidige die Menschenrechte, seit ich politisch denken kann, und ich war immer der Meinung, dass durch Handel ein gewisser Wandel erreichbar ist. Ohne die starke Ausweitung der Wirtschaftsbeziehungen mit dem damaligen Ostblock wäre der Kalte Krieg vielleicht nicht so schnell zu Ende gegangen. Nordkorea ist ein Beispiel, dass autoritäre Regime in vollständiger Isolation ganz gut überleben können. Wir müssen auch mit schwierigen Partnern umgehen und auch in schwierigen Zeiten reden.
Machen Sie es sich damit nicht etwas zu einfach?
Es war immer die Politik der westlichen Staatengemeinschaft, auch der EU, dass internationale Handelsbeziehungen nicht allein daran ausgerichtet werden können, wie demokratisch ein Land ist. Das haben wir nie gemacht, selbst nicht zu den Zeiten von Willy Brandt und Joschka Fischer. Ich bin nicht der moralische Oberlehrer der Welt, aber ich bin davon überzeugt, dass Länder wie China wirtschaftlich nur dann langfristig erfolgreich sein werden, wenn grundlegende Prinzipien der Rechtsstaatlichkeit gewährleistet sind. Nur dann kann sich die Marktwirtschaft mit ihren segensreichen Wirkungen zur Gänze entfalten.
Brauchen wir mehr Ehrlichkeit in dieser Debatte?
Ich war und bin immer für Ehrlichkeit in politischen Debatten und habe mir damit nicht nur Freunde gemacht. Wir müssen verstehen, dass der Einsatz für Menschenrechte richtig und wichtig ist, dass weite Teile der Welt sich aber nicht immer nach unseren Vorstellungen richten. Dennoch bleiben internationale Beziehungen, Zusammenarbeit und Handel wichtig, weil sie zu mehr Stabilität und weniger Konflikten beitragen. Auch beim Klimaschutz arbeiten wir mit allen Ländern zusammen, weil es um ein überragendes Gut, nämlich den Kampf gegen die Erderwärmung, geht. Bezogen auf die Ereignisse in Hongkong werde ich mit dort tätigen deutschen Unternehmen sprechen. Wir müssen mithelfen, dass diese Unternehmen sowie ihre Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter, egal welcher Nationalität sie angehören, nicht in Gefahr geraten. Current Mood: sleepy | Saturday, June 27th, 2020 | 4:27 pm |
| Friday, June 12th, 2020 | 9:31 am |
| Saturday, May 9th, 2020 | 1:23 am |
China suspected of bio-espionage in 'heart of EU' Current Mood: sleepyCurrent Music: Florian Meindl DJ Mix RESONANZ Spain - Streaming Edition April2020 | Monday, April 27th, 2020 | 11:08 pm |
| Monday, April 13th, 2020 | 6:29 pm |
| Thursday, April 9th, 2020 | 1:22 am |
COVID: A Long Tale of the Hydroxychloroquine Mess And this week, a piece in the New York Times described a new trial on hydroxychloroquine in which the results were favorable. It's certainly a better study than the one mentioned above, though that's a pretty low hurdle. But it's not substantially better: it once again enrolled too small a cohort to look directly at mortality, so it relies on surrogate data that make it hard to know whether the benefit is real or an optical illusion; the patient population studied never got very sick, making its relevance in saving lives of unclear significance; and people did suspiciously well in this cohort, potentially suggesting some unseen bias that shaped the numbers. Everyone in my division took a look at the paper: the reaction was swift, and it wasn't anywhere near as favorable as the warm coverage in the article.
The study hasn't been peer reviewed, where these and other troubling issues would be addressed. Perhaps upon peer review, the study might not even be published because it is found to be wanting. The question, then, is why did NYT pick it up? At the Billy Rubin Blog, we're scratching our heads on that one, because the publication of this article just made it harder for every ID doctor everywhere to try to do their jobs, in no small part because we have to continuously explain to stressed and worried families at length why these studies aren't really very good, and that these drugs come with side effects that might actually end their loved ones life, not save it. This blog entry, despite running to thousands of words, hasn't even taken a shot at explaining a heart-stopping effect called the long QT syndrome, which is almost certainly hydroxychloroquine's most deadly acute effect, and is even worse when used in conjunction with azithromycin, and which I've seen once already in a COVID patient. Current Mood: sleepyCurrent Music: | Monday, December 16th, 2019 | 11:53 pm |
| Tuesday, November 5th, 2019 | 1:00 am |
| Friday, October 4th, 2019 | 11:04 am |
How China Is Using Artificial-Intelligence In ClassroomsКак справедливо отмечают в комментариях, учителям надо бы тоже такую хуйню на голову нацепить. Current Mood: amused |