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Friday, November 12th, 2021 | 2:25 am |
| Saturday, September 25th, 2021 | 7:38 pm |
Diabão da Praia Grande Em um documento anexado ao processo da Justiça Eleitoral, o Diretório Nacional do PTB justificou a exclusão de Prado por “recusar o cumprimento da orientação política definida pelo partido ou faltar-lhe com a colaboração solicitada”, baseada no artigo 113, inciso 7, do Estatuto Partidário do PTB.
“Ainda, por total desconformidade com as diretrizes cristãs tida (sic) como um dos principais pilares defendidos pela agremiação, resta expulso do partido o filiado e candidato Michel Faro Prado”, informa o documento assinado por Roberto Jefferson.,14596 Current Mood: sleepy | Sunday, August 29th, 2021 | 11:46 am |
‘Lobster claws’ test questions land Crowden School principal in hot water It hinges on a series of comical classroom vocabulary tests in which Johnson would ask students to complete fill-in-the-blank sentence worksheets. Johnson said he’d used the exercises as a teaching tool during his entire tenure at Crowden and the same sentences had been in use for about a decade. Johnson aimed to teach his English students words like “aberration” and “lethargy” by including them in purposely outlandish sentences relying on gory imagery and absurdist humor — mafia hitmen, a student getting hit in the head with a shovel, an exploding toilet, etc.
In a further attempt to engage his pre-teen students, he’d insert their first names at random into the sentences. Sometimes he’d string sentences together, such as in the story of “Crazy Lobster Boy” — a student who grabs two pairs of pruning shears, declares himself a lobster and runs around terrorizing his classmates while teaching them words like “simulating” and “alleviate.”
Most students adored the vocab questions, multiple parents told Berkeleyside. Even the executive director’s own child had participated without incident, they said.
But every so often, the tests have rubbed a parent or student the wrong way.
The parent who filed the complaint with the school felt that his son was being mocked for his speech impediment in a sentence describing “his tendency to babble like an idiot and drool on his classmates.” (Johnson insisted the boy’s name was picked at random for the sentence and said he didn’t know the child had a speech impediment.) The parent was also furious that his Jewish son was made the protagonist of the “lobster boy” story, arguing that a joke that the boy probably “had a crab or crayfish somewhere back in his ancestry” was evidence of Johnson’s “thinly veiled antisemitism” because the sentence connected the boy’s violent behavior to his crustacean DNA.
“Humiliating a young boy on the verge of puberty by calling him a crustacean and referring to his ‘lobster claws’ at a time already complicated with fears and ambivalence about body image and sexuality is utterly shocking from any adult, let alone the Head of School and English teacher,” the parent wrote.
The parent told Crowden he was pulling his son out of the school and threatened to sue — demanding two years of free tuition, free homeschool and French tutors, compensation for his son’s emotional distress, assistance with getting his son admitted to another private school and a change of his grade from a B+ to an A- in Johnson’s class.
Less than two months after the parent’s complaint was filed, Johnson had been fired. Current Mood: sleepy | Sunday, July 11th, 2021 | 1:09 pm |
| Sunday, June 20th, 2021 | 12:00 am |
| Sunday, June 13th, 2021 | 12:39 am |
| Sunday, May 16th, 2021 | 11:10 pm |
| Saturday, March 20th, 2021 | 8:51 am |
| Wednesday, March 10th, 2021 | 2:00 am |
| Wednesday, March 3rd, 2021 | 9:53 am |
| Wednesday, February 17th, 2021 | 11:52 am |
| Wednesday, January 20th, 2021 | 7:02 am |
| Sunday, January 17th, 2021 | 12:39 am |
Пиздаверситет können wir Dir kein Exemplar mehr anbieten, unsere Kalender sind alle ausverkauft. Du kannst dich bei unserem Kalender-Newsletter anmelden um Informationen zu einer eventuellen Nachproduktion zu erhalten.Без пизды — апрель, без пизды — январь Без пизды — капель, без пизды — отрывной календарь на стене Current Mood: sleepyCurrent Music: RHYS FULBER - MISERY WHIP (SGLP06) | Tuesday, January 12th, 2021 | 1:50 pm |
Public use of Nazi salute rocks archaeology conference Liz Quinlan, a doctoral student at the University of York, was thrilled to be an invited speaker at the plenary on Wednesday, 6 January. She served as the accessibility and inclusion coordinator of both the January 2020 conference, held in person in Boston, and this year’s virtual conference. As she was talking about her work, which included an LGBTQ+ guide to Boston in 2020 and a push to provide live closed captioning and transcripts of the virtual sessions this year, she was interrupted by attendee Robert Schuyler, an archaeologist at the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) and SHA president in 1982. Schuyler unmuted himself on Zoom and asked for the floor. He urged members to attend 2022’s in-person meeting in Philadelphia, then asked how the pandemic had affected SHA’s membership renewal numbers.
“This is not the place for you to bring this up,” Quinlan responded. Schuyler then raised his voice and said, “I’m sorry, but I have freedom of speech and you’re not going to tell me this is not the place for me to bring this up.”
Schuyler then thrust his arm in the air and said, “Sieg heil to you.”
Quinlan told Science in an interview that she immediately realized that Schuyler had used a gesture and words associated with Nazism to express his displeasure at her trying to hold the floor. But other attendees, including SHA leadership and this reporter, did not hear Schuyler’s words clearly because two people were talking at once on Zoom. Current Mood: amused | Sunday, January 10th, 2021 | 2:34 pm |
| Tuesday, January 5th, 2021 | 1:43 am |
Cut-price Freddie Mercury, octopus-fucker, sodomite, quince Current Mood: sleepy | Friday, January 1st, 2021 | 1:44 am |
| Friday, November 13th, 2020 | 4:25 pm |
Wer ist Fayez Kanfash? Syrischer Youtuber verbrennt in Neukölln Macron-Masken Er spricht darin Leuten auf der Straße an, hauptsächlich junge Frauen, Minderjährige. Er hat iPhones in der Hand und fragt die Leute, ob sie zwei Sätze wiederholen würden.
Die zwei Sätze sagt er auf Arabisch. Die Übersetzung auf Deutsch lautet: „Ich bezeuge, dass es keinen Gott gibt außer Allah, und ich bezeuge, dass Mohammed der Gesandte Allahs ist“. Wer diese zwei Sätze wiederholt, bekommt scheinbar ein iPhone von ihm. Im Islam gilt, wer dieses Glaubensbekenntnis - die Shahada - spricht, als konvertiert.
Am Ende seines Videos schreibt er: „Gott sei Dank für den Segen des Islam. Ich war sehr glücklich, dass ich das Video gedreht habe.“ Er sagt:“ Ich habe viele Menschen zum Islam konvertiert. Frankreichs Entscheidungen werden dem Land nicht guttun.“ Es wirkt ernst.Хороший тамада. И конкурсы интересные! Current Mood: tired | Wednesday, November 4th, 2020 | 5:35 pm |
Heil Hitler, Herr Friedman! Rote Hilfe: Braune Hilfe: Current Mood: coldCurrent Music: Landser - Berlin Bleibt Deutsch | Wednesday, October 28th, 2020 | 5:03 pm |
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