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Polish nation's responsibility for the Holocaust Jul. 1st, 2022|11:31 am

Внезапно википедия помогла с ответом на этот вопрос:

A plan for Internet censorship legislation that included the creation of a register of blocked web sites was abandoned by the Polish Government in early 2011, following protests and petitions opposing the proposal.

The 2018 amendment to the Act on the Institute of National Remembrance has been described by some historians and activists as censorship because it criminalizes statements that allege Polish nation's responsibility for the Holocaust.

In September 2012, the creator of the website that satirized President Komorowski was sentenced to 15 months of restricted liberty and 600 hours of community service for defaming the president.

То есть сайт, допустим, не заблокируют, но за Холокост и defaming подведут под статью.
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