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Пишет larvatus ([info]larvatus)
@ 2008-03-27 00:18:00

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world’s shortest books

  1. Let Us Honor Great Italian War Heroes;

  2. Two Millennia of German Humanism;

  3. A Manual of French Hygiene;

  4. Recognizing British Heterosexuality;

  5. A Field Guide to Great American Lovers;

  6. Mastering Russian Table Manners;

  7. A Treasury of Polish Wit and Wisdom;

  8. The Secrets of Iranian Diplomacy;

  9. Iron Rules of Chinese Business Ethics;

  10. Side-Splitting Japanese Jokes;

  11. Loving Your Neighbors the Greek Way;

  12. Jewish Ways of Happiness; and

  13. Negroes I Have Met While Yachting.

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2008-04-30 12:38 (ссылка)
Actually, my Soviet-issued book of antique history did a similar argument, and so did my American-issued books...well after this man.

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2008-05-01 00:21 (ссылка)
That was the last man to infer modern Italian heroism from the glory that was Rome.
It didn’t go so well.

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2008-05-01 01:31 (ссылка)
Just because an evil person derived an idea (that Italian heroism is linked to roman glory), it doesn't automatically mean that the idea is evil. I am sure Mussolini would agree that the sky is blue, for example...

Now, what caused it not to go so well is that he used the idea as an excuse to commit crimes. Which doesn't mean that the idea is criminal itself.

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2008-05-01 11:14 (ссылка)
Just because an evil person derived an idea (that Italian heroism is linked to roman glory), it doesn't automatically mean that the idea is evil.

No shit, Sherlock. However, a political idea that fails on worldwide scale is a strong candidate for qualifying as stupid.

Now, what caused it not to go so well is that he used the idea as an excuse to commit crimes.

Genocide is a crime that goes well realizes the malice of its perpetrators on a worldwide scale. So much for your idea of criminal causality.

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2008-05-01 12:12 (ссылка)
However, a political idea that fails on worldwide scale is a strong candidate for qualifying as stupid.
The idea that Italian heritage (including "military heroism") derives from antique roman history has failed on worldwide scale? Care to substantiate?

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2008-05-01 12:46 (ссылка)
Have men or nations ever won a fight by boasting about the deeds of their ancestors?

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2008-05-01 13:14 (ссылка)
That's totally irrelevant to the original question: that is,
the supposed absence of any Italian war heroes.

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2008-05-01 13:37 (ссылка)


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