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11:03 pm


Ваххабитская теория вероятности.
Задача на теорему Байеса.

“[If] a number of Assad’s soldiers were captured in one of the Army of Conquest’s raids each of those fighters would [either] be handed over to Al-Nusra Front with a probability of 4 in 10, to Ahrar al-Sham with a probability of 3 in 10 [or] to Jund al-Aqsa.

“If they were handed over to Al-Nusra Front they would be executed by beheading with a probability of 6 in 10, if they were handed over to Ahrar al-Sham they would be executed by shooting with a probability of 7 in 10 and if they were handed over to Jund al-Aqsa they would be executed by beheading with a probability of 8 in 10.

So, if they were executed by beheading, what is the probability that they were handed over to the Ahrar al-Sham Islamic Movement?”


Насколько я понимаю, для численного решения тут отсутствует число пленных. Или требуется дать общую формулу?
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