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Пишет maniga ([info]maniga)
@ 2015-03-04 17:18:00

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Lou van den Dries, George Orwell, and Mandatory Ethics Training
оказывается Лау ван ден Дрис, автор важной книги
по о-минимальности, был привлечён к суду за отказ участвовать
в принудительных политинформацияхзанятиях по ethics training

Lou van den Dries, a tenured professor at the University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign, has been working at the university since 1988. In
2003, Illinois issued the (5 ILCS 430/) State Officials and Employees
Ethics Act [2] that required each officer, member, and employee to
complete, at least annually beginning in 2004, an ethics training
program conducted by an appropriate state agency. Van den Dries replied
with "I find it critically important to refuse my collaboration with
this Orwellian scheme." His defiance to take mandatory ethics training
from 2006-2009 caused the Illinois Executive Ethics Commission to put
him on trial for failure to comply with the law.

Dries spoke against mandatory ethics training, stating

"Mandatory ethics training for adults is an Orwellian concept and has
no place in a civil and free society. It is Big Brother reducing us
to the status of children."

"Subjecting all state employees to ethics training because of corruption
among a few politicians and their cronies is collective punishment."

"Compliance with the ethics training is plainly based on coercion."

дело он, к сожалению, проиграл.

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