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Пишет marinni ([info]marinni)
@ 2009-05-20 13:52:00

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СТАРИННЫЕ АВТОМАТОНЫ И ЧАСЫ из Императорской коллекции в Пекине

СТАРИННЫЕ АВТОМАТОНЫ И ЧАСЫ из Императорской коллекции в Пекине

Это автоматон-часы 18 века из коллекции китайского императора,реально пишет стихи.

This is a closeup of what is actually an elaborate 18th century clock in the Imperial collection. The clock has a little robot in it that actually can write on a piece of paper -- and it was made over 200 years ago!
This clock will write out characters on paper when it strikes. Cool.
writing automaton clock, inside the hall of clocks and watches, forbidden city, beijing, china. it wrote tiny chinese poems.

This is the writing produced by the robot clock. Not bad!

Antique clock with automaton 2, Forbidden City, Beijing, China

peach-holding lady clock, inside the hall of clocks and watches, forbidden city, beijing, china.

fanning lady-clock, inside the hall of clocks and watches, forbidden city, beijing, china.

Antique clock with automaton

Antique clock with automaton

At the Forbidden City

Hall of Clocks

Antique birdcage clock, Forbidden City, Beijing, China.

Antique steamship clock, Forbidden City, Beijing, China

Antique balloon clock, Forbidden City, Beijing, China.

Antique rhino clock, Forbidden City, Beijing, China

Antique rhino clock

Antique floral clock

Antique tropical island clock

Antique elephants clock

elephant clock, inside the hall of clocks and watches, forbidden city, beijing, china.

Cicada clock, Forbidden City, Beijing

Sunflower clock

Fancy clock

ancient clock in the Forbidden City. Beijing

Moon Clock

Antique birdcage clock

Ramp Clock In the Forbidden City Clock Museum, Beijing, is this very cool clock you "wind" by picking it up and moving it up the ramp. It's powered by rolling down the ramp.

Forbidden City Jade Clock

Forbidden City Solar Clock

Inside the Hall of Clocks. The display for this sundial (many of which were set up around the City) featured a line of spotlights ranked to give different time readings.

Inside the Hall of Clocks. Detail from a celestial clock

In the lead-up to the Opium Wars, the British refused to trade with the Chinese for silver. Instead they presented them with these incredibly elaborate clocks.

elephant clock

Water clock

И МНОГО ФОТО Forbidden City :http://www.flickr.com/search/?q=Forbidden%20City&w=all
А еще про старинные автоматоны по тэгу или http://marinni.livejournal.com/tag/%D0%90%D0%92%D0%A2%D0%9E%D0%9C%D0%90%D0%A2%D0%9E%D0%9D%D0%AB

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