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Пишет marinni ([info]marinni)
@ 2009-06-21 13:11:00

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Шляпы Royal Ascot. Продолжение.

Шляпы Royal Ascot

Несколько дней не могла пользоваться компом, замусорился служебный диск.
Только вошла, увидела ссылки [info]labazov@lj , там очень много интересного,в том числе и ссылка на фоторепортаж со скачек Royal Ascot-2009,я эту ссылку привожу в конце поста, а чтобы не повторяться- вот еще шляпки королевской семьи и фото с Royal Ascot-2007 и 2008, там много презабавного!
[info]labazov@lj- спасибо, так бы много чего пропустила!

Royal Ascot 1914

On the fourth day of Royal Ascot, the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh arrived at the course in the traditional carriage procession past the grandstand, to the applause and cheers of racegoers

The Princess Royal wore a long yellow and blue coat over a blue dress

the Princess Royal...

Camilla wore a pink outfit with a pearl choker

The monarch wore a cerise dress, coat and hat trimmed with white

The female members of the Royal family looked as polished as ever. Sophie, Countess of Wessex, opted for an elegant pill-box style hat, while HRH Queen Elizabeth II looked happy in a matching hat and dress adorned with baby blue embroidery.

Princess Anne stands out from the crowd in her bright orange hat and outfit.

Picture: REUTERS

HRH Queen Elizabeth II
holds onto her hat in the windy conditions at Royal Ascot - Day 2
Ascot, England - 18.06.08

HRH Queen Elizabeth II colour co-ordinated her Rachel Trevor-Morgan hat with an outfit by Stewart Parvin.

Princess Beatrice leads the Royal style stakes in a chic hat by milliner Philip Treacy.

Sophie, countess of Wessex,royal Ascot. Gorgeous hat by Philip Treacy.

Princess Grace of Monaco At Royal Ascot, June 14, 1966.

Melanie Mar from Los Angeles in a hat of her own creation.


Sophie,countess of Wessex,wearing an amazing hat by Philip Treacy for royal Ascot.

Young Princesses Eugenie and Beatrice showed their difference in taste through the contrasting style of their outfits. Princess Eugenie went for a total colour-clash compared to big sister Beatrice's matching ensemble

Designer Luella Bartley, whose spring/summer 2009 collection was included in the fashion show at the Bessborough Restaurant, wore a dress and fascinator consisting of a big black bow, both from her range.

Немного из истории---------------------

01 Jun 1974, Ascot, Berkshire, England, UK --- Gertrude Shilling, known for the extravagant hats and outfits she wears to the Ascot races each year, arrives for the Royal Ascot. Shilling's outfit included a hat decorated with 35 white foxtails and a heel-length white mink coat. --- Image by © Selwyn Tait/CORBIS SYGMA

Royal Ascot 1914

А первая часть про необычные шляпы- http://marinni.livejournal.com/254792.html

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2009-06-21 08:52 (ссылка)
Дама c вороной моя безусловная фаворитка! Ну и корлева как всегда - Королева!:)


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