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Пишет marinni ([info]marinni)
@ 2009-07-06 14:38:00

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Старинные письменные принадлежности

Старинные письменные принадлежности

Быт наш стремительно меняется. Я еще застала чернильницы-непроливайки и перьевые ручки, они везде были- в школе, сбекассах, на почте. И тетрадки с прописями в косую линейку с промокашками я тоже помню. Понятие "клякса" было всем школьникам знакомо и наводило ужас, а перышки и ручки коллекционировали. Автоматическими же ручками хвастались, как сейчас навороченными телефонами...
Многие вещи уходят в прошлое, мы уже не помних их назначения и не знаем, как они выглядели. Постараюсь некоторые показать.

Johannes Vermeer (1632-1675)
A Lady Writing a Letter
Oil on canvas, 1665-1666

English Silverplate Ink Stand Candle Holder, 1860

Hand crafted pen and inkwell desk set in precious burls with Art Nuveau accents. A prestigious set that brings back the design and craftmanship of a bygone era.


Beautiful Louis XV porcelain mounted gilt bronze and lacquer ink well with candle holders. FranceGreat condition.Materials/technique: bronze and porcelain.

19thc French grand Tour Souvenir Inkwell
Antiques: Antiques: In Mother Of Pearl, Gondola Form

Elegant sterling silver repousse and reticulated cut crystal inkwell- artistry as you will ever likely find. Inkwell attributed to the maker William Comyns, London, 1898

An antique French late 19th century, Napoleon III period doré bronze, enamel and porcelain pen rest, 19th century.

One very incredible inkwell Made in the 19th century in gilt bronze on a marble base. This inkwell appears to me to be Austrian. The design is so classical with the bowing swans & fleur -de -lis with acanthus leaf design top

French Napoleon III Neo Classical Champleve Ink well. Approx. 4 by 4 by 5 inches. Stunning piece in rare green champleve. Sets upon 4 paw feet...center crystal inkwell with matching champleve cap. Champleve design in green, beige and dark blue around the holder.

French Napoleon III Neo Classical Champleve Ink well

Dating from the Art Nouveau era .Carved in the most stunning & delicious polished onyx. The central portrait bust of a Historical Figure (might be Guttenberg?) in Bronze & flanked on either side with matching indwells .

19th Century French Meissen Porcelain Inkwell

A 19th Century French marble and bronze ink stand. This inkwell stand features a beautiful, flawless rouge marble with a bronze figural man, c. 1870.

Circa 1900. Art Nouveau double inkwell. Large and strikingly handsome, wonderfully three dimensional, ink set depicting a crouching lion moving through abundant flora.

This Inkstand is French Silver ( Paris Hallmark for 1809-1817). Such pieces are very rare . This silver inkstand having ball feet, diamond cut Baccarat crystal ink pot,and punce pot

Thе silver inkstand

Bronze Inkwell: Ohio New York Society: Dated 1913

Bronze Inkwell: Ohio New York Society: Dated 1913

German Art Nouveau Inkstand with matching Blotter. Circa 1890's ; Boulle work of bronze and rosewood.

Tiffany Studios Pine Needle Inkwell

Sterling Silver Cut Glass Ink Sander

Tiffany Studio Venetian dore bronze double inkwell of rectangular form, impressed "Tiffany Studios, New York, 1641". Decorative, ornate line and scroll pattern throughout. Bottom border has sculptured minks all around.

Tiffany Studios Double Inkwell Venetian

Inkwell With Cranberry Glass

An Antique Equestrian silver double inkwell, 19c. The base of the inkwell is made of horses hooves mounted with silvered horseshoe and riding jockey caps.

An Antique Equestrian silver double inkwell, 19c. The base of the inkwell is made of horses hooves mounted with silvered horseshoe and riding jockey caps.

----------ПИСЬМЕННЫЕ ПРИБОРЫ------------------

Antique Walnut Inkwell Travel Desk Circa 1800s

Here is a dainty papier mache inkwell from the 19th Century, c. 1880. Featuring delicate mother-of-pearl inlaid patina and a bronze handle. This precious accessory folds out to reveal two original glass inkwells and a small lid in the center.

Here is a dainty papier mache inkwell from the 19th Century, c. 1880.

SEVEN PIECE BRADLEY & HUBBARD DESK SET. Bronze set consists of a calendar, a letter holder, a letterpress and four blotter corners.

Bronze Pen & Ink Tray Desk Antique- подставка под чернильний прибор

A fine early 19th Century Regency period bronze and ormolu Desk Set with leaf-moulded handle, retaining original inkwells, the border and inkwell covers ornamented with oakleaves and acorns, supported on scallopshell moulded feet.

Elaborate French Boulle Desk Set .This is real tortoise shell & Brass Inlay on rosewood, made in the 19th century.

Elaborate French Boulle Desk Set .This is real tortoise shell & Brass Inlay on rosewood, made in the 19th century.

Art Nouveau
Complete Margaret Gilmour Desk Set. With MG Monograms. It is rare to find a complete set , usually the small letter opener / book mark is missing Each piece is stamped with the MG monogram ( see pictures ) except for the letter operner / book mark . this is a thin piece so they were never stamped. Description Margaret GilmourMaker Margaret GilmourDesigner Art Nouveau Date Very good

------------------Прочие необходимые тогда штуки:-------------

----------------------------футляры для спичек.------------

футляр для спичек из ляпис-лазури

Spanish American War Matchsafe - футляр для спичек.

1800s Lion Corp. Stamp
---------------Наборы для книг, книги продавались со сдвоенными листами, их надо было разрезать -
----------------ножи для разрезания, лупы ----------

Antique Bronze Page Turner. The page turner has with beautiful pierced openwork of foliation along the blade. The handle is signed A. Gangand.

Antique Sterling Silver & Ivory Page Turner or letter opener, 19th century. The handle of this French page turner is decorated in a rococo styled handle measures

Sterling Silver Handled Magnifier Glass

Desk Set

Box Set

Silver Plate Desk Set
------------Блокнот. Буль.

Boulle Desk Blotter, Portfolio

----------------ПИСЬМОДЕРЖАТЕЛИ И БУМАГОДЕРЖАТЕЛИ--------------------

Antique Beaux Napoleon lll Empire Revival Letter Holder

An exquisite Antique Bradley & Hubbard letter holder or letter rack having a beautifully pierced scrolling acanthus design throughout, circa 19c.


Antique Art Nouveau Letter Holder with Water Lily Leaf Motif

------------------Футляры для писем------------------------
в них письма передавали адресату лично---------

Antique French Billet Doux Love Letter Holder Etui Tortoise Dog-
Футлярчик для любовных посланий.


Absolutely gorgeous & rare Antique,18th century French Enamel Gilt Wax Seal in Paillons enamel.

rare 19c French Glass Ladies Writers Wax Seal or Sceau, with an etched glass and Guilloche Enamel handle.

Antique hand crafted 1893 Sterling silver English boars head seal, properly hallmarked, the pommel adorned with high relief angel face masks shrouded in flowing acanthus leaf.

Antique Gilt Steel Engraved Wax Seal C1850

A beautifully hand carved ivory and silver writers wax seal or sceau. The ivory handle is of a Whippet with its long and slender muzzle and long tail between his legs, a typical characteristic of this breed of dog. In the 19th century

--------------------Переворачиватели (держатели) страниц------------------

Vienna Bronze Ivory Page Turner

Antique Cast Brass Letter Clip
Antiques: Antiques: Signed Merry Phipson & Parker 1843

Antique Louis XVI Green Glass French Page Turner

----------------------Держатели для книг-----------------

Складная полочка-книгодержатель
Antique Bookends French Lady with Lorgnette & Dogs

A lovely set of antique Victorian bookends.

A very pretty set of old bookends in the figural form f flower filled urns. The bookends are marked "B&H" on the back which represents the company of Bradley & Hubbard, this company made fine quality metal items during the Victorian to Art Deco era.

--------------- бюро и столы---------------

French, Paris, after 1692 - about 1700
Oak, fir, cherry, beech and walnut; veneered with brass, tortoiseshell, mother-of-pearl, pewter, copper, ebony, and painted and unpainted horn; painted paper silvered bronze mounts, steel key


18th century French interior

Stamped by Bernard van Risenburgh II
French, Paris, about 1750
Oak veneered with tulipwood, bois satiné, and kingwood; gilt-bronze mounts

David Roentgen, furniture worker; plaque attributed to Pierre Gouthière, metalworker; some mounts François Rémond, metalworker
German, Neuwied-on-the-Rhine, about 1785
Oak, fir, and Scots pine, veneered with mahogany and maple burl; gilt bronze mounts; steel fittings

Rolltop Desk:Front and drawers open

Reading and Writing Stand
Abraham Roentgen
German, Neuwied, about 1760
Oak veneered with palisander, alder, rosewood, ivory, and mother-of-pearl

Small desk (bonheur-du-jour), 1768
Martin Carlin (French, ca. 1730–1785)
Oak veneered with tulipwood, amaranth, stained sycamore and mahogany drawers, gilt-bronze mounts, Sèvres plaques

Mechanical table, ca. 1761–63
Stamped by Jean-François Oeben (French, 1721–1763) and Roger Vandercruse Lacroix (French, 1728–1799)
Oak veneered with mahogany, kingwood, and tulipwood with marquetry of mahogany, rosewood, holly, and various other woods, gilt-bronze mounts

Mechanical table, ca. 1761–63 Он же, разложенный.

Mechanical Writing and Toilet Table Jean-François Oeben
French, Paris, about 1750

Roll-top desk
Oak veneered with various wood, gilt-bronze mounts, height 140 cm
Wallace Collection, London

Rolltop desk
Fontainebleau, France
Paris, France

Jean-François LELEU
Cylinder fall secretary
circa 1768-70
Collection of the Barons Hillingdon
Paris, France

Jean-François LELEU
Cylinder fall secretary

Upright secretary (secrétaire à abattant), 18th century (ca. 1786–87)
Maker: Guillaume Beneman (French, active 1785–died 1792); Decoration possibly by Gilles-François Martin, Étienne-Jean Forestier, or Pierre-Phillipe Thomire Forestier (1751–1843);

Italian High Baroque Writing Desk Venice, c. 1760 (very late Baroque period)
around 1760

Кабинетной мебели и принадлежностей очень много, есть очень красивые и любопытные,типа механических письменных столов или кабинетов "с секретами", я их обязательно покажу в следующем посте.

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2009-07-06 10:34 (ссылка)
Никогда нельзя давать свои вещи для кино или театра! У нас на сьемках постоянно что-нибудь пропадало. Однажды художник-постановщик попросил у друзей старинный гарнитур для сьемок. Упереть целиком его было невозможно, так открутили бронзовые ручки и фарфоровые медальоны! А вобще из "Останкино" даже рояли ухитрялись вывозить. Хотя по идее, оттуда ничего вынести нельзя,все проверяет милиция.

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2009-07-06 11:57 (ссылка)
Да сын потом переживал очень, он-то хотел, что бы... Теперь учёный. Хоршо, что не взял немецкий пейзаж середины 19 века в старинном багете, тяжело было нести в универ. А то ведь он так подходил к мизансцене...:)

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